Sean Clancy

I strongly suspect all that will be ignored. Their agenda is pro-corporate and anti-consumer and they’re going to do it no matter what anyone says.

No, it’s the 5/8 of a stick of butter that’ll kill you. (Or me, at least.)

Can you not just enter your passcode?

None of that explains how those two actresses are supposed to be only 10-12 years apart in age, however.

One friend who tried to pre-order this morning described her experience as “clusterfuck dumpsterfire.” So there’s that.

According to Memory Alpha it seems they haven’t entirely figured her out just yet. There seem to be four different explanations depending on who you talk to: - “Synthetic-Human hybrid”
DSC writer Ted Sullivan - “an alien” (via a tweet)
After Trek E3 - “an augmented alien”
EP Gretchen Berg on After Trek E5 -

We’re only six episodes in! I strongly suspect we’ll get a lot of character moments with all these people as the series goes on.

I haven’t seen this yes, but apparently on an episode of After Trek the showrunners said the Klingon War will end with S1, and Discovery will go back to being a science and exploration vessel

This, 100%. Gene Roddenberry was a visionary, but he wasn’t right about everything, even aspects of his own creation. And I have to howl at the people shrieking that “THIS ISN’T GENE’S STAR TREK WITH ALL THIS WAR AND DARKNESS” ... this very war and its resulting darkness that’s being depicted in DSC was referred to in

You’re talking about a franchise consisting of over 700 hours of programming, with scores and scores of writers, made over 51 years and you expect every single detail to be entirely consistent 100% of the time and still be able to tell viable stories in the second decade of the 21st Century?

Yeah, good luck with that.

In fact, if you actually listen to what the DSC writers say, they’ll tell you that Fuller was instrumental in constructing the story arc for S1, and if you actually look at the credits he gets story credit for the majority of the episodes so far.

Calling Star Trek: Discovery “STD” (when we surely know by now that its official abbreviation is “DSC”) is not unlike Republicans who continually insist on referring to the other party as “The Democrat Party.”

The franchise we loved for 30 years was first filmed in 1964. You may want a 2017 series that looks as if it

Core fan here. I’ve loved Star Trek since I first started watching it in 1970. I don’t have a problem with the differences in minutiae. (I even nearly got into a tiff with my husband last night after we watched E6, after he said, “So now they have holodeck technology 10 years before TOS?” I replied, “That doesn’t

In that situation I’d use an Amazon Locker before letting people into my house. There are at least two that are right on my way home from work (YMMV).

I throw down my Nope Card.

Yes, serialized television in which the events and consequences of events in an episode disappear after the silly banter at the end, as by the time the credits roll none of it has actually happened, and the reset button is hit before the next episode begins was so great.

No thanks.

Yeah, there were jaw-droppers in this list. The Swarm was rubbish. Rub. Bish. I actually felt embarrassed for Henry Fonda at the time and I was just a kid.

I saw you eating that rat that time.

“Oh, you’re so PC.” — The Eloi

For my Star Trek fix, I’m watching The Orville.

My husband is a Jellico fan for that very reason.