Sean Clancy

I guess it’s because I didn’t watch Farscape, but it always sounded silly to me. YMMV. By the way, I say “frak” in real life now, alternating with the Irish “feck” when I want to swear more gently. :)

Yes! Cadet Sylvia Tilly. Although I’m kinda digging “Redhead Woman,” because it sounds superhero-like. :)

Cold. :) But I can cook New Orleans Creole food and that’ll warm us up.

Semi-seriously though, I was fucking born here and I sometimes wonder the same thing you wondered. If it gets worse and there are more direct threats to LGBTQ people (“he wants to hang them all!”) my husband and I are already thinking about where

The problem with that is that unless the writers as well as the actors are very, very careful it can just sound stupid and silly. “Felgercarb” totally didn’t work, and neither did “frell,” but “frak” did (gotta have the final “k” as well as that fricative!) Also in “Firefly” I immediately grokked “shiny” and “gorram”

Although that seems a bit too pat and literal, doesn’t it? I think it’s more along the lines of a harmful, out-of-phase effect from being connected to the spore drive than a literal nod to the Mirror Universe.

Redhead Woman doesn’t get stressed. Redhead Woman who might seem to some like just a stammering cadet pulled a phaser, held it rock steady and ordered a fucking Klingon to come out of the shadows. Redhead Woman is badass. :)

It sounded completely natural to me. Do you know any scientists? When something cool happens at work, they are entirely likely to say something like “That was fucking cool.”

Did it take you out of the story when Kirk said “Let’s get the hell out of here” in TOS “The City on the Edge of Forever?” Did it take you out of the story when Stamets and Culber brushed their teeth, which no one on Star Trek had ever done before?

I thought it was fucking cool.

Go back where you came from! And take me with you!!! (I’m a good cook.)

In my case, not even the headphone jack matters; I bought a pair of Bose wireless headphones that I *love*, and I’m never looking back.

Software is right. I like iOS and I don’t care for Android, which is why I’d by an iPhone X and not a Galaxy Note 8.

D’oh! Beat me to it!


I can’t believe that people are getting their space knickers into such a twist over trivialities like this. I’m as dedicated a Star Trek fan as any, and have been for most of my life. But as much as I enjoy it, I tend to go by “repeat to yourself, it’s just a show, you really should relax.”

Are they telling

I hope it’s at least inside a plastic bag in your pants.

Indeed. $6 a month is trivial. When I was 15 and making $2.30 an hour I was tremendously excited by the reports of a new Star Trek series in development (“Star Trek: Phase II,” which ended up being folded into “The Motion Picture”). Even though paid streaming TV didn’t exist then, I’m pretty sure that I would have

A 2017 show made to look like a 1964 show (which is when “The Cage” was filmed) isn’t going to work, no matter how much of a deal-breaker you might think it is.


Do you really have to stretch this far to find something to complain about?

This doesn’t explain the Game of Thrones universe though, because the vast majority if not the near-entirety of the population of Westeros and Essos are not able to employ magic. They’re just technologically sessile for ... some reason. Gendry is a smith. He might have easily noticed steam rising and causing

Unless something worthwhile actually happens when you get to the center of the galaxy in the upgrade, then I have no interest in plowing forward to it.

And I’m thinking you weren’t burdened with an overabundance of schooling.