Sean Clancy

It was shite.

I’ve really got to catch up on that!

My favorite oft-spoken classroom quote from my college advisor, from whom I took many classes, was to give a slight grin and say, with a barely veiled chuckle, “Well ... you’re wrong, of course.”

Swear Trek deserves credit for that.

Until they ACTUALLY announce it ... you know nothing, Jon Snow.

Your hygienist equates plaque with shit?

All that plastic seems wasteful to me. A foot of floss wrapped around my index fingers does quite well, when I bother to do it (which is pretty much only when something’s lodged in there).

I have never been able to get those “little” brushes even remotely between my teeth, which are, y’know, close together if not touching. What percentage of the population has enough space between their teeth to let those Gargantuan things in?!

Apparently the automated system didn’t respond well to being told, “Feck off, gobshite machine!”

Thank you, Ser Davos, The Grammar Knight. :)

I’m leaning toward Chekhov. Her arrogance has gotten the best of her before.

Allowing that servant girl to see Jaime in the royal bed will, of course, come back to bite Cersei in the arse, for starters.

My favorite comment about this was from a BoingBoing thread (I’m paraphrasing): “Yeah, those guys were from Klingon Australia, but we’re in charge now. What, you thought we all looked alike?”

I’ve been a devoted Star Trek fan for most of my life, but one big problem I always had with it was the planetary monocultures.

Yeah, that six bucks a month is totally going to have me living out of my car.

Oh, so you’ve seen the whole season!

No, it doesn’t. For fuck’s sake.

But it looks like a duck. And it’s quacking like a duck.

I’ve had a similar experience, for about a block (it was “hey, faggots” in my case, as I was walking with my then-bf). Bunch of frat-type bros. We were terrified, imagining ourselves being beaten with baseball bats if they were to stop, and we just looked straight ahead. We were relieved when they finally sped away

*smooooooooooch!* ... I know it was you, Donnie. You crack me up. You crack me up.

I don’t believe in cruelty to animals, and I believe animals should be treated humanely (even the ones we subsequently kill and eat).

People should understand that chimpanzees are wild animals with 10 times the upper body strength of a human, who have been known to kill their own kind and others, and have viciously

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