Sean Clancy

Judgy McJudgsters all. I’m sure all of you would be happy to show the world what’s in your browser history and what tabs you currently have open. Sheesh.

That said, it looked amazing for 1966. Bridge, ship and prop designs were very innovative for the time.

I seem to remember reading that the sudden new bumpy look of the Klingons in TMP was what Roddenberry had wanted all along, but there was simply no budget for it (and TOS budgets shrank with each successive season).

Because TOS was of its era, and mid-1960s production design and special effects would not work with audiences in the second decade of the 21st Century. That’s reality, and you’ll just have to make your brain work with it.

As for the look of the Klingons ... it is a long story, and they do not discuss it with outsiders.

When I worked for the international division of a crappy B-movie company back in the previous century, I learned that Germany was one of the “dubbing countries.” It’s the way they’ve always done it, and they’re used to it.

What, not a single “Ich bin Groot”? Enttäuscht!

One of the defining aspects of fascism, as I recall.

I would have tried to strategically bet as little as possible on that category, and would also have missed the question because I know exactly jack shit about the NBA and sports in general. “Easy” my shiny metal ass. Not everybody watches sports.

Maybe you might want to spend a minute or two thinking about the fact that the guy you voted for has no idea what the fuck he’s doing, zero, and when he falls on his face he’ll take all of us down with him. And that includes you.

So, you’ve seen all the episodes already, then!

“Sigh. They are Klingons. And it is a long story. We do not discuss it with outsiders!”

Best lampshading/retcon EVER.

I guess $6/month just isn’t worth it for NEW STAR TREK ...

He will be our first Pakled president.

I have an idea. How about we wear whatever the fuck watch we want, and you run along and mind your own business?


Oh, look! It’s a talking asshole!

Petty jealous bitches.

I take it you mean the Adam Sandler thing and not that venerable bit of verse ...

Tommy Loy the Cabin Boy
That dirty little nipper
He filled his ass with broken glass
And circumcised the skipper

... which Damon Knight once converted into a science fiction story called “Cabin Boy.”

The invert color route makes everything (especially photographs) look like photo negatives. It’s not for me. Why they don’t just include a dark theme along with their neon blinding theme is beyond me.

I still need to be able to read the messages I send to people, and white text on a background of bright fluorescent blue and green is like sticking needles in my eyes (and I suspect I’m not the only one). If Sir Jony Ive thinks this is good graphic UI design then he’s got a screw loose.

The gentle blue and green pastel