Sean Clancy

And they still haven’t fixed, or given us the ability to change, that horrible UI of white text on fluorescent blue or green backgrounds in the bubbles, with a blinding stark white background behind that. But we get all this Snapchat and Facebook Messenger shit. Sigh.

Good advice, but this is why I pay a little extra for unlimited LTE data access. I never use untrusted public wifi anymore unless there’s zero LTE signal and I really need to get online. Then the above caution applies.

It will when the downtown Regional Connector is finished. Four more years.

Anyone who’s read the comics already knows who it was.

One of my first thoughts. “Doesn’t this site have editors, or are they all at Hulk Hogan’s house, cleaning his toilets?”

This article is so patently untrue (and even, astonishingly, admits that and contradicts its own premise right in the middle of the article) that it should make anyone with any amount of sense tend to believe that Gizmodo is an unreliable source of tech news.

Here’s to swimmin’ with bow-legged women!

If you’re using terms like “sjw,” then you have zero clue as to what Star Trek has been all about from the very beginning.

Have you read the original short story “Arena,” by Fredric Brown, on which the episode was based? It’s fantastic.

There is a solution for you, and it rhymes with the Hungarian currency.

I saw Bigfoot once. 1951, back in Sequoia National Park. Had a foot on him thirty-seven inches heel to toe. It made a sound I would not want to hear twice in my life.

You are not wrong. At least Orci and L*nd*l*f aren’t involved, and let’s hope Fuller’s creative force takes the forefront.

One of my teachers in college said that if you have to include a brochure with every copy of your film in order to explain something in your film that didn’t make sense, then you’ve failed as a storyteller. I maintain that this is still true for this line.

As in the Battlestar Galactica.

SF author Robert Sawyer’s “WWW” trilogy (in which an AI superintelligence springs from the background of the world networks that make up the web) is an interesting depiction of non-malevolent AI.

I for one welcome our new machine overlords.

“I was raised to speak only good of the dead. Leonard Maizlish is dead. Good.”
— David Gerrold

According to what Gerrold has been saying on Facebook, he’s pretty much finished with the next Chtorr novel. Keep hope alive.

Or perhaps, something like a ... Ringworld. :)

That’s what scrith is for.