Sean Clancy

Disgusting. Life is too short to eat bad food, and that’s why I don’t eat at Subway.

I’m not sure, but I think this may be the greatest gif in the history of the Internet.

Great writing, directing, casting and acting never goes away, and its influence continues to be felt. (Its first immediate heavy influence was on the rebooted Battlestar Galactica series that came a couple of years later.)

How is it still relevant? Look at how Alan Tudyk and Nathan Fillion were able to raise over $3

If I come to your house I will bring whiskey (or the booze of your choice), and will promise not to have trodden upon any type of animal poo before entering, and wipe my feet thoroughly. I won't be offended if you mop. :)

I didn't mean to get aggressive toward you (sorry). I'm just tired of people telling me to take my shoes off and being tweaked and and barely-restrained inhospitable when I tell them I can't, which has happened to me far too many times. I think people really need to relax about the no-shoes thing, or else keep a stash

Thank you for your unilateral rule that an entire thread must be read before someone is allowed to respond to your first comment.

It's a big deal because I have fucked up feet and ankles on which I've had surgery, and I wear medically prescribed orthotics, and if you make me take my shoes off in your house and stand around in my sock feet I will be in excruciating pain in less than 10 minutes. That's why I have to keep my shoes on in your house,

Because ... they're comic books?

There are certain unpleasant people to whom I've assigned Sam Lowry's ringtone from "Brazil" when they call me:

Homeopathy can be just as effective as placebos, which they essentially are.

Wow, I'm actually talking to someone who's trying to justify the bombing of Dresden.

1. In that case, where is all of your training and where are your degrees that qualify you to disprove this study?

Your kids are lucky they have robust immune systems, because basically you were feeding them sugar pills.

Specifically, industrial areas existed but they contributed nothing to the war industry or war effort. Dresden was a city of culture.

Tell us all about the industry in Dresden. Oh wait, there wasn't any.

Don't forget your Personal Identification Number number.

Yes, about as grown up as the YARGLE BARGLE BLARGH! from everyone else who's getting his drawers in a twist for everything from a 3-month exclusivity deal (gee, no one's ever done that kind of thing before!) to having to sign up on an Apple device (borrow a friend's iPhone to sign up, then watch on a browser) to it

Yes dear, it's called AirPlay.

It's not as dumb as the internet would have me think. It's as dumb as it was when it was unfolding before me. Beautiful, but dumb.

Oh, you're sure? Because ... you're omnipresent? Or are you just a telepath?