Sean Clancy

I was raised Roman Catholic; my partner was raised Southern Baptist. (We've both escaped.) His people referred to my people as "hell-bound idol-worshipping papists."

Fashion It So — best Star Trek fashion blog EVAR! Prepare to pee yourself laughing.

Which one? The one that works perfectly well for me and with which has given me zero problems? Oh, that one. (Well, except for the fact that iMessage's white-text-on-bright-blue-backround is still ugly.)

Because ... physics?

"Many" = nine, apparently.

Guess what! Android phones bend and break too! #gobshite

Dyson - amazing vacuum cleaners for rich people.

Bono ... you keep using that phrase. I do not think it means what you think it means.

It is my considered opinion that the guy in the video who deliberately tried to bend his phone is a fuckin' eejit.

Last night I steamed 12 ounces of broccoli florets, and whisked up a sauce with a heaping tablespoon of softened butter, a heaping tablespoon of whole grain mustard, a tablespoon of 2:1 turbinado sugar syrup, a pinch of smoked hot paprika, s&p and a little water to thin. Tossed with the hot broccoli. IT WAS DELICIOUS!

So ... your sausage is a Nazi?

Unfortunately, Apple still seems to think that white text on bright blue and green backgrounds is a good idea and good design as opposed to physically painful to look at. Which it is.

I have to say I'm skeptical that people like me, who fly maybe four or five times a year, are going to be given anything for free by the airlines. We are the passengers that they literally don't give a shit about. When I fly I generally I dress in clean, comfortable, hole-free jeans and a button-up shirt — not a suit,

The jackass author of that article apparently thinks this is still the 1950s and he's on a Pan Am Clipper. As long as I have a decent amount of legroom and buttroom (and even if I don't), you can wear a tank top, a sarong, a burqa or a goddamn gorilla suit for all I care, as long as you don't stink and you're

I hate perfume, nail polish, excessively smelly deodorant and all that crap on planes. I must confess, however, that I have been known to unwrap a muffuletta sandwich mid-flight. (Too bad.)

All the wonderfulness debuted by Apple today, and yet they showed a screenshot of iMessage that still has that shitty, shitty white-text-on-bright-blue-background color scheme, still just as eye-pokingly painful to look at as on iOS 7. At least they should give us the ability to customize text, text bubble and

No more awkward than Steve Jobs saying "No one is going to buy those," referring to big phones, in 2010. We're all human, and it's okay to be wrong. We learn, we move on.

I remember the first class on knives and knife skills in cooking school. Chef said, "You know why those knives you buy on TV say they 'never need sharpening?' Because when they get dull you throw them away."

As we say around our house, "'Best by' doesn't mean 'poison after.'"