Sean Clancy

We found everyone in New York to be very nice and friendly, and the only person who was "brusque" to me was a guy who made a comment when I stopped on the sidewalk to answer a text. I thought I had done the right thing by standing in the middle between the two columns of opposite direction pedestrian traffic but I was

My reply to that dude: "Well Dorothy, you're not in Kansas anymore." BAM! *drops mic*

"You see son? THIS is why you should stay in school." In my inner fantasy, had that been me, I would have wanted to say, "Actually sir, I just graduated from school with a bachelor's degree in neuroscience and I start pharmacy school in the fall. I took this job to make a little extra money before then." (*turn to the

To relate it to my general 'hood ... the entire population of Iceland is roughly the same as Northeast Los Angeles (Eagle Rock, Highland Park, Mt. Washington, Glassell Park, Cypress Park, Montecito Heights and Atwater Village) combined with Pasadena and South Pasadena. I'm getting my LA population figures from 2000

Seriously. Sheesh. If you have trouble staying awake, drink a Jolt Cola, for Chrissakes.

That would be ... um, no place.

I may have created a monster. <voice="Homer Simpson">*drool* Mmmmmm ... cajeeeeetaaaaaa ...</voice> That shit's addictive.


Steamed meat? BLECCHH! Have they never heard of the Maillard reaction?

Even better (since you're in LA) — warm flour tortilla spread with peanut butter and cajeta (goat's milk caramel). Heaven. The typical brand is Coronado.

Should we get a head start and just move to Boulder now? (Or Vegas; depending on your inclinations.)

11) Don't live where it snows. (Sorry.)

Ian Leino did this quite a while back — "Doctor Whoville." It's my favorite holiday t-shirt; I've been wearing it every Christmas since I got it.

Everyone else has covered the major ones that annoy me already, so I'll throw in a few minor ones that almost count as amusements. Tongue being misspelled as "tounge." I conflate it with another misspelling — "chaise lounge" instead of "chaise longue" — and come up with "chaise tounge," which in my head is a long

July 4th.

Yes. People like you. :)

It makes perfect sense. If you read the date from left to right, you get the month first, then the day. When reading it the dd/mm way you get the day first and it could be ANY month, and then you get the "oh, it's mm," which makes no sense to me. Let's nail the month down first, shall we?

It's a movie — a STORY — with an extremely strong basis in scientific fact. In fact, it's the best depiction (speculative, sure, but based on sound science) that we've had with regards to wormhole travel and especially the effects of gravity on relativity and time dilation.

And that emotion was regret.

I would not have recognized a Spice Girls song even if my very life depended on it.