Sean Clancy

Propylene glycol is an organic compound that is GRAS (generally recognized as safe) for food use, and has been in our food and medicines with no apparent ill effects for ages.

I have a tablespoon of dark Valrhona cocoa in my oatmeal every morning, and yet I still can't remember when bills are due.

And with that ... I'm done. Actually, I was done when they cancelled The Sarah Connor Chronicles.

And the joys of Usenet! Witty, informative and intelligent discussions, mostly before spam. I remember when Canter and Siegel hit ...

First internet account was on Netcom, and was also a Unix prompt. I tried to send an email and I was dumped into vi. After a week of weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth, I figured it out and suffered through it until Pine was released soon after.

Apparently it's popular. I pre-ordered one at $19, noted the release date of November 19, and was told at checkout that my delivery date would be December 17. o_0

Oh yes. My God (or my Satan, as the case may be), do we miss that show. And yes, Ray Wise was brilliant as Jerry the Devil, and Jerry was affable and charming, but ... really, he was bad. BAD. (Well sure, he was the Devil.)

So funny (we had to stop the TiVo for maybe five minutes to settle down from laughing at one

It is for these very reasons that I will never, EVER use CurrentC.

The first link has a bug ("LB") permanently affixed to the upper left-hand corner; the second is abnormally stretched out from its original 4:3 aspect ratio to fill a wide 16:9 screen (my BIGGEST pet peeve when it comes to display of older movies). FAIL on both counts, I'm afraid.

I've been a fan of their music since long before they started making clever videos (which themselves sprang from the choreographed dance routines they'd do as an encore at shows). I think they're terrific — catchy songs with smart lyrics. They're also a lot of fun and really nice guys.

The promo code has expired.

The promo code has expired.

"'39" is only 58? Ahem. I think it needs more love.

They got rid of the sidebar in iTunes? Oh, I only use this EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Yes. "My dick is bigger than yours!" "No it isn't!" #lolphonewars

I lost my first pinky-sized Fitbit, which was made easy by its tininess. Then I bought the new one that also detects stair flights climbed, and that thumb-sized one died when I forgot it was clipped to my pants pocket when the pants went into the wash. I'm done with Fitbit, now that my my new iPhone counts steps,

CBS, which I can get for free with an HD antenna, a network on which I only watch one show ... which they do not offer on the streaming service. Haha, no.

Yay! I hate sports! Happy happy joy joy.

No, but you should be putting ice in your Old Fashioneds, or any number of other cocktails that work well on a single big rock or sphere. Unless you're pretending it's the early 19th century and ice is not readily available.

No, but you should be putting ice in your Old Fashioneds, or any number of other cocktails that work well on a

Gods, I wish we could have themes in iOS and get rid of that stark WHITE WHITE WHITE everywhere. And that horrendous white-text-on-bright-blue-or-green-background foisted upon us with iMessage. This is something Android certainly has over iOS.

(To head off comments at the pass, I'm a Mac user heavily invested in the

"One of the very worst people walking this earth"? How many people has he tortured and killed? #bitofhyperbolethere