"You brought out the wrong pitcher"
Nah, the DBacks fans don't even fill up their own park, let alone travel. I'm thinking tonight will be the perfect opportunity for some enterprising Rays fan to use a whole section to build a fort out of empty cups and pizza boxes.
+1 season playing in china
Oh look, it's this thread again.
"You know who's really good? That team that won by a comfortable margin last Sunday - they just look like they're ready to make a run at a Super Bowl. You know who's just fallen off the map and may not even finish over .500? That team that just lost on Sunday, that I coincidentally picked to win the Super Bowl the…
The rest of the country would like a straw poll on what the remaining 46,000 empty seats at Safeco Field think.
In fact no real Laker fan would mind him leaving
Toronto is actually a great comparison. Both Toronto and San Antonio are just sort of... there. No one is hopping on a plane to visit either place, and sports culture and fan support will never register with any significance outside of the respective metropolitan areas. There are no stereotypes, no real distinguishing…
Joss Whedon attracts a certain kind of dweeb apologist that will go to great lengths to prop up this inexplicably popular hack writer. The fact that the reviewer considers trite, hacky dogshit like The Avengers and Cabin in the Woods to be a "quite a run" - especially after miming a light-touch film snob in all his…
Or disconnect, and listen to crybabies whine about how "ZOMG NOOB ITS PARTZ OF TEH GAEM FILTHY CASUAL!!1!", oblivious to the fact that disconnecting is part of the game too.
I take a lot of pride in my skill at video games
Oh look - Zimmerman committed another error, and this time he wasn't even on the field.
Looks like v is leaking again. Shouldn't you be in your hugbox?
Blue last? That disgusting red second? I dig your other foodspin articles, but your power rankings are BULLSHIT.
Your boy wonder ran a bad route and crashed into the scoreboard like a fucking retard. It was stupid, and people laughed. I know that as Nats fan this is probably only your first or second season actually watching baseball, but you should understand that players get mocked all the time. Harper is getting the same…
People want to be critical for the sake of it, without having seen it but what business do they have making the assumption that it sucks?
Seems like more of a lateral move - both are streaky, inconsistent hitters.
lawl, domestic violence AMIRITE?