I may or may not have fucked my way through an entire friend group in high school....
I’ll second that description.
See also: breath/breathe
Same. It was cute at first but then it got distracting.
I am ten million percent okay with that.
Exactly! Bacon yes, ham no, pulled pork maybe if it’s really good and/or covered in cheese.
Zabella here asking the real questions
Hi, middle class adult white person here. I have seen the light of baked mac n cheese but the stovetop box stuff is so easy to make and sometimes I’ve shamelessly eaten a whole box to myself as a meal. Plus, nostalgia because my mom used to give it to me and my sister with dino chicken nuggets and broccoli. Sometimes…
I thought the same thing. I’m glad someone said it.
Holy non-apology, Batman!
Fucking hell, how do you put two tampons in? Like side by side or in line with eachother or... wha?
When is this movie happening? Because I will watch the fuck out of whatever you just described.
#life goals #wife goals
Yo, I spent less than $100 on my whole damn prom. I’m talkin dress, shoes, my own ticket (because boys are dumb), and a partybus rental with my friends. My sister did my hair and I didn’t empty my bank account on one night. But some of those coture, high fashion dresses make me swoon.
That planet fitness one is so important to me. No judgement zone indeed.
-I haven’t shaved my legs since August 2014 and that was only for a wedding. I’m definitely not starting any time soon.
I think I just threw up a little bit