
Soylent Green is people!

There's a lot of things on that chart that I'm not going to read right now but I'll get back to you when I do. Thanks.

You know what pisses me off? The stories of malls making a billion dollars in profit and the Gaga having a fucking gold wheelchair custom made for her and "entertainers" without much talent making more money than I could ever know what to do with and the US is so far into debt with no end in sight. The disparity of

Because all reality tv is real. Hence the name. Right.

Even if you are working with someone with dementia, isn't there a metric fuckton of paperwork that gets filled out when someone dies? Couldn't they check with like one of their kids or something? I mean, that's a pretty big deal, right?

I am so disappointed. Chucklefucker sounds like such a fun word.

They're basicaly chocolate covered diabetes.

So I graduated high school and didn't want to go to college right away but my mom sort of forced me into in and because my grades were shit I had to take a semester off. One semester as a music major at a huge party school later and I still didn't want to go to college. So my mom made me take some programming classes

I'm in the same boat. Yes please.

Eeewwww that sounds...interesting?

I'm tempted to look up what Virgin Waxing is but I'd rather be able to sleep tonight because it sounds horrific.

A bit of Wikipedia searching led me to this. It makes me want to hug all my organs and tell them everything will be okay.

Why does he look like he hasn't bathed in recent history? Is that just the extra ink?

Are they milk chocolate dinosaurs filled with Nutella? They sound delicious.

I didn't know about them until my junior year of high school. I felt cheated. I'm determined to make up for lost time though.

It was never exactly in the way in any dream I've had but I'll have to take your word for it. Bleeding like a dying animal for a few days every couple weeks is no picnic either though.

Just cover everything in chocolate and call it a day. Everything tastes better in chocolate.

Brilliant! Should we have edible and non-edible versions?

That sounds terrifying.

Mmm that's okay. I'll take yours off your hands for you.