Yes it does. God forbid an author NOT be obsessed with rape and abuse towards women.
Yes it does. God forbid an author NOT be obsessed with rape and abuse towards women.
Best. Movie. Ever.
Nope. Grind (or have your coffee place do it) an entire 1lb bag of coffee for a french press (you want large grounds so the water can extract as much coffee as possible) and then get a big ass plastic pitcher and dump the entire bag in it, then fill it up with water to the top, stir and throw it in the fridge for 12…
Is Jezebel so hard up for writers they'll employ idiots that LINK A RAPE VIDEO WITHOUT CONSENT? What the bloody FUCK is wrong with you. Unreal. PS: Katie you suck at life.
Because he's a major troll.
One thing I haven't seen below is genuine sadness for the men in these towns. They aren't ALL attempted rapists, kidnappers and murders, not by a long shot. Most of them are just Lonely, and lonely really sucks after a long period of time. I'm seriously sad for these guys (not the violent asshats who would be…
Yes, gathering hard evidence is extremely tough. If I worked in that environment I'd invest in a digital recorder and figure outa way to record every conversation I had.
Uh, I make pretty close to that, and I'm happily single. Douchebag.
Right because married men never rape or murder! Dummy.
And btw, who said that entire 52% was Straight hmmmm?
Men are in control my ass. LOLz. (NYer)
Photoshopped to the hilt but okeedokee.
1 in 5 women getting plastic surgery is a pretty major story. That proportion doesn't exist in the States. Yet.
1. What a bummer all around. 2. No way in hell is the before and after on the top right for real. But whatevs, still blows.
You've wasted 8 Years of your life with a boyfriend that cyber stalks - fuck it - Stalks his ex-girlfriends. Jesus lady. That's the sign (on his part) of one very fucked up mind.
Damn that is one hot mess of Oscar nominations. I can't believe Kathryn Bigelow and Benn Affleck aren't nominated for Best Director. And the acting categories, gross (except for Beasts of the Southern Wild actress!!!) Bummer, I was looking forward to a fun race.
Of course whether or not she is Any adjective is completely not the point but you know, whatevs.
Very sad for you. …
You and your friends sound like real winners. Go read a book, or volunteer for a worthy cause.