
Fuck this shit. I’m a recovering alcoholic and guess how many men or women I’ve assaulted - NONE. Drugs and alcohol don’t make you a shitty person, being a shitty person does. Fuck this asshole.

Really? Three minutes is tedious? Do shut up.

Yeah they’re SO devastated that they Didn’t Fix Their Fuckup way back in April. Fuck these clowns.

He was left in the street for hours? Jesus Christ.

Agreed, to me it sounds like they were planning this together.

Fuck you.

I buy one pack of four Venus razors and they last me almost a full year. I just keep reusing them, works great. Use my target brand Aveeno body wash for shaving cream, also works great.

I just use my target brand Aveeno body wash. Works great AND it cleans my legs at the same time. SCORE.

"Public policy that keeps worker's pay artificially low so they get pushed out as a result is the problem"

You forgot Libertarians.

She has 150 million dollars. She can Pay someone to cash her checks for her.


Wait, why the hell does Gwyneth need a fucking loan at ALL? She seriously doesn't have 29k lying around in a clutch somewhere?

No we haven't. What are you, new?

Your country has 30 million people. Let's see how you do with 350 million. It's much easier to live peacefully with a much smaller population.

I can see why you're steps closer to leaving Jezebel. It's very uncomfortable knowing more and more just how awful your ingrained oblivion is. As a Lily White Person I'm here to tell you, you are worse, so much worse a person and oppressor than you will ever allow yourself to realize. If you're a white person and

I'm white, and female, and I'm here to tell you we deserve much much worse. White people are horrible beings.

But, I LIKE Android....

Puncture wounds are so hard to treat without IV antibiotics and/or a surgeon digging out a good chunk of your flesh. Once that infection gets in there it's very hard to get out.

Cat bites usually require hospitalization not only because their mouths are festering germ-holes, but their teeth are like spikes and when they bite those teeth embed their germs deep into many layers of your flesh where it's harder to dig out the resultant infection. A serious cat bite requires hospitalization 70%