White guys raped her too. And please do spare us the "his brain can't locate a way to react to it." Bullshit, he gets it just fine and thinks it's hilarious because he's a fucking psychopath. Stop defending those who absolutely don't deserve it.
What the fuck is wrong with the shitheads/commetors here at Deadspin. Jesus.
Happens every day. Most people either never hear about it due to the low reporting rate of rapes, or if a case Is publicized, people ignore it because people are awful.
I hate you, and all men like you. You blind, stupid little shits. "the girls responded positively to." Yes, I hate you. I desperately hope you don't ever breed.
I want you to get hit by a bus.
I totally get this and agree with the dumping.
And hell yes the majority of the world consists of mindless sheep. People are Animals. We grow, we eat, we consume, we fuck, we breed - and that's about it. Most humans sleepwalk their entire lives and are quite happy to do that.
Dear OneView, I gather your worldview is super teeny. Most 3rd world countries have zero access to birth control, not to mention forced rape, early marriage, human trafficking, I could go on. Millions of women don't have kids because they want them, they don't have a Choice. Fucking Duh.
Dude, you have Issues. Shouldn't you be trolling Deadspin? Are you lost?
Do you practice at trolling or does it come naturally? Narcissism for the motherfucking win! #passtheicecream #ilovesleepinginandfuckingaround #i'm35andsohappytobechildFREE #fuckpatriarchy
Lol. Do shut up. Having babies is Not the meaning of life for many many many women, and men. Your truth aint my truth, so sorry to disappoint. Kids are great for about two hours. After that, you can have em back, they suck most of the time.
Pretty sure Fuck_God meant famewhores, which they most definitely are.
Couldn't agree more!
I LOL'd. Hard.
The last 6 years, no, longer than that, guarantee this was absolutely 100% planned, eventual break-up included. These women are cold and calculating, and the public eats it up. #scary