
Full of win.

"the minute a Christian corporation sticks to its guns" - Why do Christians need guns? What happened to "thou shalt not kill? Oh right, belief of convenience. These asshats aren't a Church, they're a Business. Big fucking difference. And Fuck your beliefs if they infringe upon my right to direct my own goddamn

Yeah but there actually Were poop germs in the beef.

"A lot of equal rights stuff." Please do shut the fuck up lady. Have a nice day.

I live here and this fucking sucks. Fuck Rick Snyder, I hope he gets run over by a bus.

Piece of shit journalism strikes again! Oh wait, this is Gawker, par for the course.

Please do accept this invitation to shut the fuck up. :-)

I spend a good amount of money on 1 gift for my friends. I'm single and have the cash so why not? It's fun.

I'm in AA, 6+ years sober now and my "higher power" are my two cats. Or a tree, or nothing. I'm a lifelong atheist and I make the program work for me. Don't let the god thing scare you, the program is very much to each their own. Or go to a meeting at a non-religious version of AA.

No, he really doesn't get to express any opinion at all. Once you sleep with someone, your consent flies out the door like his sperm. As the only 100% foolproof wat to prevent a baby is Not to fuck, if you fuck, you open yourself up to a world of shit, or wonder if you want a kid. You want the right to a choice

Teh is so pretty and floofy.

Fine with me!

And now there are two more: r/creepsquad and r/creepphotos

Luckily you don't make the rules. You're hardly objective. Many states have laws against taking someone's picture without their permission, end of story. It's not rocket science.

CreepyShots was already shut down too, but now the assholes have started /r/creepsquad. You know what, fuck men. The men who stand around and do nothing while their piece of shit friends do and say things that hurt women are just as fucking liable in my opinion. I'm so goddamn TIRED of this SHIT. IT JUST NEVER

Yes, exactly. Fuck victim blaming!