
How about the argument that “I don’t deserve to suffer for those people’s political failings” is that a better one? Because that’s basically the arguemnt that can be made for Blue states to get the fuck out of this union.

Hamilton, the thing that you’re failing to understand is that you cannot help people that don’t want to be helped. People that voted for Trump voted for everything that is happening/about to happen. They wanted this and nothing that they’ve said or done has said otherwise. For Christ’s sake, I was waiting in line at

This seems odd comparing this to casual racism. Regardless, Republicans have consistently voted against their own interests. The succession stuff is stupid, but it does highlight the fact that red states do use more money, do require more federal aide, but STILL make life hard for themselves and everyone else in the

Actually most people that are buying the iphone (old or new) rarely buy them out of pocket, but rather are getting subsidized phones from a carrier (or on a monthly payment plan). Most are not shelling out 750 in one shot.. so even 800, spread over the typical 24 months is really only 34 dollars per month, which is

And most of us don’t buy a top-of-the-line iPhone!

And the reality is that most of us only buy a new phone once every two years so really, double most of this.

I’ve been active duty military for ten years (not the Marines). This was an incredibly depressing story to see break today, but what actually gives me some hope is the strong, emphatic push back online from some male Marines that this is not who the Corps should be. People with real influence are starting to speak out

As a father of three young sons, this is my deepest fear. Makes me sick that this fucking coward draft dodger might actually do this.

You know DAMN WELL this isn’t about some damn children.

We’re talking about victimizing white boys. Now it’s a problem.

It’s not. But that’s the hypocrisy. Women are sexual objects pretty much up for grabs as soon as men say so. But boys? Not the same. 

This type of thinking makes me shiver. I got my first period in 5th grade, so while my body was (apparently) “good to go,” my brain was still pretty consumed with pogs and friendship bracelets.

Good God. Do they ever hear themselves speak? TEN. TEN YEARS OLD but thank god “feminism” hadn’t yet ruined you.

Ugh. Didn’t even think about that, but you’re so right. Fuck this guy.

Grooming is exactly what they are describing. Like, to a T.

I know 13 year old boys. They’re still kids. Their bodies are bigger but they’re still kids in their minds. I noticed he didn’t talk about girls just boys. Frankly way to play into that fear homophobes have about gays targeting their children.

This is not an odd attitude for someone from the “manosphere”. Most of them believe grown-ass men should be able to have sex with any person who has hit puberty (or, at least, they used to—I don’t read their stuff anymore). For me, that was 10. Ponder that for a minute—I’ve argued with men who think I should have

Interestingly enough they were apparently super cool with all his racism, misogyny, and transphobia. They had no problem when he called a Black woman an ape, or when he doxxed and risked the lives of trans women. They had no problem when he went around making false claims that trans women are just predators in