
The Republicans stand up only when the polls indicate he is causing them to fall behind their own individual elections/reelections for 2018. Until then, they stand silent.

Fox News had a very misleading segment where an American filmmaker went to Sweden to try and prove the horrors of refugees. He reported sparsely in the report some “facts” that crime including rape have gone up. The report did not say who the attackers and who the victims were but in typical Fox news fashion implied

Yeah, a documentarian’s (unquantified) assertion about crime on Tucker Carlson transformed into a full-on terrorist attack in the mind of the American President which should alarm no one and is very normal, very smart, not at all dangerous.

That Fox statement is also a bunch of lies by the way.

My proudest moment at Ikea (perhaps even in life) was finding the doors that take you straight to the different sections of the shop

Until McCain actually does something, anything aside from flapping his gums but supporting that flaming bag of orange peels at the same, he can take a seat.

Welcome to the world of zero accountability. Grab a chair, it’s gonna be a while.

Love seeing cheaters taken out. Anywhere.

I’m seeing at least one aim-botter per session these days. Pretty obvious when it’s happening. Hopefully blizzard can keep up and swing the hammer again soon.

Blizzard. Get that banhammer out.

In an ideal world, your general points make perfect sense. You can’t call yourself “Christian” and spew bigoted shit at the same time. ‘Cause Christ basically said “Be nice to each other. Peace be with you.” right?

Breaking news: Woman who was jacked in the face by enormous, physically powerful athlete was “Not actually asking for it,” but was, in fact, being harassed even before punches were thrown.

Oh, man. she single?

my wife is making: batter fried chicken wings two ways (korean spice and maple glaze bbq), mini pigs in a blanket (blankets are mini as well), homemade fries, ‘ringed shrimp,’ mini ham salad sandwiches, bbq pork nachos, franco-canadian-iberian tourtière empanadas, be-bouled spinach and artichoke dip, deviled eggs,

This is exactly why the right is constantly talking about paid trolls and paid protesters. Because they do it!

And the right wing constantly accuse the left of using payed protesters. Project much?

Was waiting for this.