
It just occurred to me that the appropriate response to an Armed Group coming into your store might be to treat them as if they’re robbing the place. Hands up, “whatever you want”, “don’t shoot me”. If they claim not to be a threat, point out that they have motherf*ing guns out and ready to be used!

You wrote “...understand the cache that comes with the Century name.” The word you want is ‘cachet’, not ‘cache.’ 

My family always used leaves from “producing” grape vines that we had in our yard. The best leaves were big and young and lobe-less. Blanche them first, then add filling (we always used meat and rice) and roll them up. Line a pot with damaged/leftover leaves for extra flavor when you cook them.

Change the picture, please. He doesn’t deserve to be seen.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t see it or enjoy it, it just means that you’re not the target audience. It’s like enjoying YA books as a middle-age adult, or enjoying serious, quiet movies if you’re a comic book geek.

This website will do the same:

And when were those days, exactly?
There are *countries* where unions and businesses work together, because they’re required to by law.
There are, of course, many instances of unions and employers working together, but there was never a ‘golden age’ of businesses happy to have unionized workers.

Wait, what? You really believe that about the Toddler in Chief?

So like Daleks, only cars, and friendly?
Works for me.

I think that Clay Travis has a very valid point - being a white supremacist is as bad as being a pedophile.

More like #RaisedFarRight

A 40mph sneeze can be messy and painful, so I frequently hold in my sneezes. When I do, it expands my chest and results in a not-unpleasant ‘cracking’ of my back. Does that happen to anyone else, or am I just weird?

Calagel! It works amazingly well on mosquito (and flea) bites. Contains Diphenhydramine HCl, the active ingredient in Benadryl, plus an antiseptic. Can’t say enough about how well it works.

He wasn’t pleading guilty. He was trying to accept the lesser charge without admitting guilt - aka, taking the plea “bargain”.

More alt-facts from the GOP. I’ve ridden on many empty roads where that would be perfectly safe. I’m sure there are many similar areas in rural and small-town Italy. Most places are not so car-centric as the US.

Professional cyclist, has ridden hundreds (maybe thousands) of kilometers on the road. Riding through an intersection (crossroads). Chance of him not paying attention enough to get killed are really, really low.

Plus, cyclists (and motorcyclists) are killed/injured by oblivious drivers on a disturbingly regular basis

The righties live in an alt-reality. The easiest way to understand them is to treat accusations as projection. 

I wouldn’t call them “idealistic”. Granted, they live in a fantasy world divorced from reality, but the ideas behind it (fear, greed, anger, etc) are hardly “ideals”.

It would be impossible for him to like it any less.