
Can we also talk about how today he also met with the leaders of the Alphabet Agencies, some of the most powerful and historically pro-GOP Intelligence groups in the world, and basically claimed they were wrong about Putin and Russia’s involvement despite them then releasing a report which states plain as day that

He was trying to get him to drop the ball, Not a bad plan. Whenever I get a finger in my ass I drop something every time.

Ball control is so important in games like this.

Looks like he was reaching for the end zone.

Very deserved. As was Reynolds’ dickpunching of Stark as he got up.

Tea-bagging is something that really does happen IRL?

What the fuck.
Also, the staredown was deserved.

Fat man in red spreads cheer on this xmas day

What I think is funny is how desperate Trump is to find someone, ANYONE to play his gig


There’s a difference between working for a customer you don’t particularly like (or even loath) vs publicly acting to prop up and celebrate them. More than that, because this isn’t just “a job” they have to deal with becoming a propaganda tool for a politician who supports legislature that may directly seek to negate

My favorite part of Trump not being able to book anyone is his tweet about “I don’t want any A list celebrities to come!” Do you think he realizes that he tacitly told the bums who are actually willing to perform for him that they’re bums! “I don’t want popular, famous people! These losers are good enough!”

Forced labor is not a good look for a supposedly “free country.”

Already forcing women to do something with their bodies against their will, and he’s not even president yet.

Asshole didn’t replace his divot.

Well at least now he has a handicap

One in hole!

Soooooooooooooooo many people do not understand this.

Innocent until proven guilty doesn’t mean you have to assume the victim/accuser is lying. It means investigators have to figure out what happened.

Rape is complicated because any “innocent until proven guilty” argument means that, by definition, you have to assume the victim/accuser is lying until proving he/she is not. It’s not a “pathetic hill to die on” if you A) were there and know it to be an illegitimate accusation or B) have no reason to suspect that it

Hey all, I called this meeting because well remember how 10 of our teammates were at a party and a bunch of them raped a girl? Well now they are being suspended and that’s just not fair. I mean just think, next time it might be you who gets suspended for raping a girl. You wouldn’t want that to happen to you right?