
The scene: Horrible abusive relationship. The inevitable morning after the all too familiar horrific night before. I am packing my bags. Unfortunately not for the first time, and not for the last.

I hate the fact that you're almost 100% goddamn right. I truly hate that fact.

He reads like a sociopath from beginning to end.

It's like asking a girl out when you don't care, which is also something I did in high school before I left. A lot. My friends would give me $10, and I would just run around asking girls out, who I know would say no. Or breaking up with girls that I'm not going out with publicly. That's funny.

Which is precisely what I'm getting at…the ability to watch some poor schmuck get swatted in Illinois from the comfort of your home in Nevada. That's new. And it's the result of a whole new toolset available to today's crop of asshole teenagers.

To be more specific, asshole teenagers (and assholes in general) are still assholes. This wouldn't have occurred to me at the age of 8, 12, 15, 19, etc. Shitty people are just shitty, and no amount of PC "everyone is inherently good" justification can fix that.

Its only a matter of time before someone is killed because of this.

The part of his logic that I think is the absolute worst is that if you are a internet personality, you have to live with the risk of being swatted. It's like saying you have a safe full of money, so you should expect someone to try and rob you.

So, essentially, teenagers are still assholes.

I would pay good money to watch one of those assholes crying for his mommy when the judge gives him 20 years in federal prison.

All swatters should be charged with attempted murder.

Don't feed wild animals.

Garlic, anchovy and red onion in the top 6?

Failure because of laziness? Tell that to the masses of the working poor! Taking responsibility is a good thing, but the lack of access to the means of proper nutrition and meaningful exercise to the impoverished is not an issue of "you're just not trying hard enough!" If you want to know how many of their lives are,

My understanding is that it is due to liberal zoning laws. This is also supposedly responsible for our incredibly high number of taverns (we're rumored to have the highest number of bars and taverns per capita in the country).

Wait, allowing industries to police themselves doesn't work? You mean some legislation and oversight are needed or else owners and companies will do the bare minimum? Next you'll tell me that having a fertilizer company monitor itself doesn't work or an oil company inspecting it's own tanker isn't a smart idea. Yes,

I would love to see this pass...and then spread to other states. I just really strongly believe that sex workers deserve so much more than the hand they're dealt. They are making an honest living just like everyone else and are entitled to safe and fair working conditions. However I do contend with my own personal

"How did it get to this point where entertainers got fed up to the point where they felt we need to enact a law or do some legislation around this?"

If you're giving prizes for best turns of phrase in BCO (consider it!), I nominate "Jesus freak dog fuckers" and "unsdisputed King of the Dickwalruses" from this week's batch.

"Fuck the 83 104 79 98 73 PctKKKK." Here, the ambiguity of online communication was not a problem.