
Am I the only one who was completely frightened by GE's vision of a pre-pubescent boy with this kind of power over the physical/digital world?

See, I've never been concerned with labels. If people don't consider video games art, fine. Not sports, fine. There doesn't need to be some agreed consensus about what they are or they aren't as long as you enjoy them. I find the people who insist on characterizing certain creative outputs or activities as such are

E-sports are skill-based challenges that rely heavily on reflex and physical dexterity. You can certainly make the argument that those aren't sports, but then you'd have to say the same about games like golf, air rifle shooting, bowling, etc. Otherwise the definition is inconsistent.

I've been waiting all damn day to read this! Kudos for being the other person on the internet who makes sense. I have another point though...nobody wants to see pictures of me naked because I'm not physically attractive. If you are physically attractive, do something drastic (acid, 700 cheeseburgers, etc) to make

I played Minecraft. I made a house.

While I won't be purchasing this, I do really appreciate the thinking behind this. It's innovative and daring game design (at least on paper).

So you're saying I need to buy a dozen boxes of ice cream sandwiches?

I work in live TV and if your phone goes off in the studio, you are shamed. Ha ha! Everyone looks at you like you just ran over their cat while you fumble in your pocket like an idiot trying to turn it off. I used to have the Motorla R2-D2 phone and it would randomly turn itself on and off. When it started up,

this is funnier.

What is it about the internet that makes everyone an expert in everything, ever, all the time. Literally you could post a video of some guy walking on the sun, I think, and at least 25 people would say "nothing new, wake me up when he can lift it"

Some good hang time on that bike...

So true... The number of times I had to repeat this simple truth to my wife is more than a bazzillion. "But we have right of way" she says. "But honey, they have the right of metal, mass and physics" I say

That's right, most cyclists are not that lucky. As a daily bike commuter, it blows my mind that this guy was doing 22MPH on a wet street in fairly busy traffic; leaving no margin of safety if a driver makes a mistake. People make mistakes.

It is probably more. You are just one sandwiched in the middle.

Everything is easy and trivial for internet commenter #542,021,881.

I stepped on a D4.

Awesome work by the animators at Starburns Industries!