
That's sort of exactly what makes this theory work - connecting those appearances.

So you've never said dumb shit on the internet before? Got it.


Well if "jk" and "lol" don't do the trick, I'm sure sarcasm font wouldn't do much in his favour either.

Months, and possibly years in jail, is the consequence for shooting your mouth off? Please dont have kids.

... except for all the time he was held in jail, right?

Clearly because he is a terrorist and is a threat to this country.

I... I Just.. How... I can't even... Comprehend... What?

it happens

'going on till even the N64 or PS2 came out.'

In retrospect, regarding your post:

I long for the day that we don't have to keep explaining that this isn't real.

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

You realise that this guy is playing a comedy character don't you? No, you don't.

I quit reading as soon as you called him a "fat ass". I have issues with gamer culture, too, but seriously . . . good riddance.

Go ahead leave, you REALLY won't be missed.

Also, Francis is playing a character.

I don't get why everyone is ripping on this guy. He seems nice and is showing something neat from his past. Cut him some slack. I'm sure all of you professional kotaku commenters are the picture of beauty.

To be fair those people that get through don't really commit bad crimes. They just make banks go under, steal tax money, make people lose jobs and destroy the economy of the country. It's just some minor things, n0 need to lock them up.

Remember when you committed actual crimes and still wouldn't get arrested. Those were th.. oh wait, that's now.

Remember when you actually had to do something wrong to be arrested? those were the days.