I've had lines on my forehead and under/around my eyes for years (I'm 31 now). I used to freak out about them but now I pretty much give no fucks. No matter what I do, I still apparently have acne, so I gave up worrying about it. :-/
I've had lines on my forehead and under/around my eyes for years (I'm 31 now). I used to freak out about them but now I pretty much give no fucks. No matter what I do, I still apparently have acne, so I gave up worrying about it. :-/
Sending you internet hugs. Please take care of yourself. Things will get better.
I hope a dove poops on your head someday.
I have no self-control when it comes to Sephora. I can't leave there without wanting to buy ALL THE THINGS.
My mom told me I'd start to look like "a pineapple" (whatever the fuck that means) if I didn't start going to the gym more often. I also, apparently, have a big ass. When I expressed my annoyance at being called fat, I was told "I just want you to be pretty!" Fuck. That. Noise.
I still haven't watched 10's final episodes - I skipped right to 11 after "Turn Left" because I knew I would cry like a baby. Just....nope. I can't do it.
I loved Eccleston, and I still miss Nine. I pretty much go into every season expecting to have my heart ripped out, but it's totally worth it.
I recently reunited with my dad after many years (also in my early 30s). It's been great, but I still have mixed feelings about it and the events that caused us to be separated in the first place. You have to consider what YOU want to do, and not what others expect of you. If you forgive someone and let them back into…
Yep. I used to love his music (what the hell was I thinking?!) but that one always made my skin crawl. Ew.
I loved his music in high school - now I alternate between giving zero fucks about him and feeling disappointed that a significant amount of talent comes from someone who can sound like such a raging douchebag.
I would lose my shit if someone ever sprung this kind of thing on me.
Sorry, I had to.
Oh my God, this made me SO ragey. You know what else God wants, Ms. Check? For people to not be idiots and to take advantage of medical science that is RIGHT IN YOUR FACE and has been proven to work countless times. You do not have the right to endanger other children because YOU think it's ok to do so. VACCINATE…
That little monkey face is killing me with cuteness. I've wanted an affie for ages, they're so adorable.
Taylor Swift inspires a rage in me that I can't explain. I mostly just want to stop hearing about her.
I think that's it. It just feels....wasteful somehow.
As someone who works with (and regularly dissects) lab mice, this made me sad and grossed me out at the same time, and I can't really figure out why.
Nope, it's literal. If you were hoping for something better than 50 Shades, you will sadly be disappointed.
"The Full House" has to be my favorite. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7895293/1/