I've read some great Sherlock/Molly stories.
He's so great. And he's gotten funnier as he's gotten older and grouchier.
God, this is my favorite Dylan rant ever. "You ate my paintings? No, I HATE them!"
Why is anyone still listening to this horrid bitch?
Seconded - the only thing I've seen him in is Star Trek but that was enough to make me like him immensely. He's adorable.
It's the best time-suck ever. I was hooked about ten minutes into the second episode I watched with the Ninth Doctor.
I'm a total X-Phile too, but Mulder got knocked down to #2 on my list by Sherlock. He was still my first TV character crush though.
I crave salt. In every possible form.
"Men have a particular way of noticing hair and appearance. Which is not noticing." - Bernard Black
I second the vote to binge Sherlock immediately, and be prepared to fall madly in love with Cumberbatch.
I don't know how the heck I managed to not see TNG until now, despite knowing who all the characters were. I'm on the third season and I love it so much. Riker and Data are my homeboys.
*smiles shyly* Why thank you! Have you seen Green Wing? It's basically the bizarre surreal cousin of Black Books. So, so funny.
I agree! I don't know what it is about Idris....he's just got that air of....coolness about him that I love.
You definitely need to watch those! (Black Books is actually in the "lovable loser character" category, but Dylan Moran is absolutely adorable and hilarious.) I should really re-watch Arrested Development. I do love me some Jason Bateman.
Yeesh, this could be a long list. House, Sherlock, Luther, X-Files, Firefly, DEFINITELY Doctor Who (I have to tell you, I'm going through some shit right now, and Ten and Eleven make it all better), Black Books, Spaced, Fringe. Just started Star Trek TNG recently and I have a feeling now that my internet is fixed,…
Christ, are you all carrying around purse-shaped TARDISes or something?
After reading so much about this show, I considered watching it but from this description I don't think I could stomach it, as much as I like Zachary Quinto.
Ugh. Nothing makes me angrier than people who act like assholes to people in the service industry.