The only thing I've noticed about the local accent since moving here (that's different from my nasal Western NY original accent) is, oddly enough, pronunciation of "Chicawgo."
I LOLed at "Oi! Don't swear!" Genius little bit of humor, that.
"Princess scientist"? I just eyerolled so hard I saw the front of my brain. It shouldn't be so difficult to show that women who are scientists are just normal people. As others have said, there are plenty of us out there. If I showed up to my lab wearing a tiara I'd get laughed out the front door in five seconds.
This is simultaneously the funniest and grossest thing I've read all week.
That'd be awesome. I vote for Michelle Gomez - she's certainly crazy/kooky enough for it.
This lady RULES. Badass indeed.
Seriously. In what universe are they seen as equivalent?
That's what I'm doing tonight too! I just started season 3 and I want Gina to go away immediately. And I like Ryan and Espo more every episode.
This little machine is awesome but as others have said this is massively oversimplifying how these flow cytometers work. Still, I think it's really cool that this is the direction in which this technology is going.
That picture of Kim is fucking terrifying.
Officially freaked out. Shouldn't have read this.
Only downside to marathon-ing Firefly episodes: I can't get than damn opening song out of my head.
Well thanks for explaining everything to me, Hairpiece. My tiny feeble lady brain just can't comprehend those pesky things called facts.