If we could still heart people around here, you would've gotten one for that comment. :)
If we could still heart people around here, you would've gotten one for that comment. :)
IDRIS! Oh how I heart him. I need to go finish watching Luther...
These photos are incredibly sweet. It must be such a blessing to have deep friendships like these.
Oh my Lord, this is disturbingly cute. My little parakeet used to do the same chirruping thing when I scratched his head.
OMG Waffles is SO CUTE. I just want to snorgle his little face!
NO. Fucking no. Kill it with fire!
I was (and to some extent still am) a huge X-Phile. Gillian is fricking awesome, but (unpopular opinion here) I got over my crush on David real quick after he started acting like a diva and temporarily abandoning the show. My reaction to this is a resounding "meh". She could do better.
My boss drinks several 12-packs of Diet Coke every week. I have no idea how he tolerates that much of it.
*shudder* Thanks for that mental image, now I'll have nightmares.
I really loved both XFiles movies, but...how much more can they possibly say about that alien plot?
I was just thinking the same thing. He's adorable.
Oh for fuck's sake. I fear for the future of humanity with twatwaffles like this running around.
Really, Moffat? No. Just no. Stop it.
I have to say though, "Congolese judo warrior" is pretty much the best "do not mess with me" title ever.
Uh...apparently I'm a male Egyptian footballer? *flexes muscles*
Boy, this guy's a real fiut, isn't he?
I think Wil Wheaton said it best: "Don't be a dick." Simple as that. It shouldn't matter if you're a dude or a lady. In ALL situations (not just life-or-death ones) how about just being a decent human being?
I'm okay with this only if it means we get to see more Smaug.
If there's anything the last week has taught us, it's that Mitt Romney gives zero fucks about pretty much everything.
This is the best thing I've seen all day. And yes, I'm talking about both pictures.