I was 24 when I started my first. I'll probably be starting on another one at 31 or so (I'm 30 now.)
I was 24 when I started my first. I'll probably be starting on another one at 31 or so (I'm 30 now.)
Ha! "Look, Bernard, look - I'm DANCING."
Is it me or do some of these girls look like they're stoned? Airbrushing is BAD, folks.
OMG that episode freaked me the fuck out. The dude's regenerated head emerging from under the water? I had nightmares for DAYS.
Mulder and Krycek?
Ha! I just got into Who recently and am weirdly curious about the fanfic. I'm afraid to look though for fear of needing brain bleach afterward.
Good old ScummVM! I used that years ago and had forgotten all about it. Fate of Atlantis was an amazing game. Now I want to go play it again.
There are few things more irritating than someone who tells you they're supportive of your goals and want you to have a good life, yet is so self-absorbed they actively make it more difficult for you to achieve those goals.
Oh my gosh this was funny. I'm picturing you saying "do NOT speak to me in that tone of voice, young man!" and getting "roo rooooo ROOO roo" in response. :)
I LOVED Eccleston, and the darkness he brought to it. That was actually the reason I didn't like Tennant immediately - I couldn't wrap my brain around how the same man in a new body could go from being just slightly goofy and mostly serious/intense to totally bonkers.
I agree, I love them together! Their devotion to each other is so sweet.
:( It was kind of slow to start....and not knowing all the backstory makes it sorta confusing (at least it did for me). :/
I've just seen the first half of his first season so far....epic crush over here, he's so cute! Are the Confdentials on youtube somewhere?
Ok so I promise I won't keep babbling on about Dr. Who, but I have to tell you all because my friends and my mom think I'm insane. You guys, I watched the entire first season in two days. I officially have "Who-itis", as one of my friends calls it.
OMG. That is made of win.
Ugh, I'm glad I'm not the only one skeeved out by that guy.
Great, now every time I look at her I'm going to imagine her yelling "Exterminate! Exterminate!"
I do the same. Sad how it's often so easy to blame ourselves right? And good for you for having the courage to ask your family about it. I know I wouldn't be as brave.
*slow clap* Well done!