
I'm sorry things have been lousy for you :( I can't really offer anything helpful other than that you're not alone in being surprised/wary at getting support from others. When you are used to doing everything yourself (as I suspect you are) it's really hard to ask for help. Sometimes people don't really understand

I am so sorry about your mom. :( Blessings and best wishes to you and her this year.

OMG. That gif might be the best thing I've ever seen. :)

Started with Eccleston (the 9th, I guess?)

Ha ha! Love it!

I don't know how to do multi-replies, but hearts to all of you! Thanks for the welcome :)

So I finally started watching Dr. Who.

Hahaha! I love it! That's pretty much exactly how I feel right now.

So last night I texted my friend "happy new year" with a kissy face. We used to be flirty like that all the time, and he never replied. So now I feel like a dumbass. And I'm supposed to call him this afternoon anyway. Awkward...

WORD. *highfive*

Dear God. The Times Square NYE nonsense is starting on TV NOW? Do we really need 5 hours of this fuckery?

Oops! You're absolutely right. Brain fart.

So...does this mean if I drink more, that hot Australian boy I keep waiting for will magically show up? Sweet!

You can do eet! :)

I drink both, but the sweeter the better for me. Riesling and cab sauv are my faves for white. Pinot noir is great and a little fruitier, so not quite as intense as something like shiraz/syrah (Which I also love, but not that often.)

I just started Warehouse 13 on Netflix. It's pretty good so far - a bit like X Files but far less dark and a bit of a funny/snarky feel to it.

I LOVE foodgawker. It's total food porn.

Fuck 2011. There were maybe 3 days total this year when I wasn't ready to cry or grinding my teeth/having heart palpitations from stress. Fuck that noise. I think the universe was trying to play a practical joke on me. Or possibly that my life was being filmed for a sitcom.

This...I...just....guh. *head explodes*

Hehehe. *Penisles*. Brilliant!