
So...I love catching up with all my cousins every Christmas, but once I get off the phone I get annoyed that EVERY year we say we're all going to reconnect and keep in contact and then we never do. Especially those of us that LIVE IN THE SAME CITY. I mean I can only make so much of an effort to keep in contact with

So...I love catching up with all my cousins every Christmas, but once I get off the phone I get annoyed that EVERY year we say we're all going to reconnect and keep in contact and then we never do. Especially those of us that LIVE IN THE SAME CITY. I mean I can only make so much of an effort to keep in contact with

Way ahead of you. Can't decide if I want to finish my last bottle of wine or save some for tomorrow...

Way ahead of you. Can't decide if I want to finish my last bottle of wine or save some for tomorrow...

I have got to stop looking at clothes and jewelry on Etsy or I'll spend ALL the money.

I have got to stop looking at clothes and jewelry on Etsy or I'll spend ALL the money.

Ha! That's awesome.

Ha! That's awesome.

Agreed. Tolerance involves respect for ALL religions. None are better or worse than the other.

Thank you for this.

I'm all for men taking better care of their skin. There's no reason they shouldn't. My friend uses "a very expensive moisturizer" (his words) and his skin looks fantastic - better than mine, and I'm jealous.

Well my parents' entire marriage was a textbook case of what not to do in a relationship, so I have times when I really would like to get married, but more often I veer toward the not-giving-a-flying-fig end of the spectrum. Having kids would be nice but it's not the end of the world if I don't have them. All I

I can't even believe it's only 7:20 and it feels like midnight. I totally should have gone to the gym, but I couldn't bring myself to move after going in to work this morning and 3+hours of online class/studying. And the first half of my week at work is going to be hellish.

Hahaha! I Have a mad crush on Jemaine. That episode sealed it, I think.

That sounds delish. I'd buy it just for the label.

Ok a high school acquaintance just posted some pictures of her new baby on fb and damn if that's not the most gorgeous child I've ever seen. I'm totally not maternal at this point in my life, but this kid seriously just made me feel all squishy inside. So cute.

I try to pretend I'm a hardass, but I'll pretty much cry at anything and I hate it. I've cried in front of friends, boyfriends, family, coworkers and my boss (oh the embarrassment). I've been through some rough crap but I like to think I'm good at compartmentalizing. Sometimes though, it all just overwhelms me and