
Ok don't flame me for this but...I really don't find Ryan Gosling all that I'd have to go with George.

Hearted. I love that movie.

Wtf is a "dirt-squirrel"? An ex of mine tried growing a beard every year, and every year he'd shave it off but leave a 'stache, and for a while he'd look like he belonged on To Catch A Predator. Not a good look.

Agreed. There are few things better than a hot Irish guy.

I think the behavior described here is disgusting. However, a quick look at the forums in my old hometown reminds me why I moved away from there in the first place. And why I'll never look back.

This dirtbag needs to go away ASAP. I swear to God I feel dumber just reading quotes from him.

So I know it's totally immature to be weirded out by stuff like this, but as I vacillate between the do I/don't I want to have babies thing, every time I read something like this it pushes me right into the NONONONONO camp.

No win for Hugh Laurie AGAIN? God, he's the Susan Lucci of the Emmys.

I have been having the same problem - it's like, hello, I'm nearly 30, I don't need this shit. What's been helping me is Noxzema anti-blemish pads 2x/day. The breakouts aren't completely gone but it definitely helps. Anything with salicylic acid will do it, really. If you have scars from old blemishes it'll help

So things have been kind of shite lately. Family weirdness, Dudefriend weirdness, and I am SO FREAKING BROKE right now it's not even funny.

Ugh. Same here. I've been lamenting the fact that Factor V Leiden is pretty much forcing me to get a copper IUD eventually, but maybe I shouldn't be too upset if it lets me avoid all this BC pill madness.

@quarky1: I agree. I never said we should not make this available, as there would clearly be a need for it. All I'm saying is that how it's marketed may make a difference in the risks people take and how they use it.

My big concern with this is that since this pill buys you a couple of extra days, wouldn't this tend to make some people more reckless with their behavior? I'm not talking pregnancy here, I'm talking STDs. Whether anyone wants to admit it or not, there are people out there who are going to use this as their primary

I just deleted my Twitter (and Facebook) app from my phone, because I had been obsessing over whether a certain dudefriend had tweeted or replied to one of my tweets, to the point where even I knew I was being crazy. I'll put it back on my phone after a few days of, you know, going outside and actually having real

He. Is. Adorable.

I'm sorry but I genuinely dislike Jillian. Motivation - to lose weight, change careers, go to school, anything - has to come from within, not from someone screaming at you and humiliating you. I've lost 17 pounds since February, and I did it all by myself. I'm pretty sure that someone screaming at me would have made

@morganite: I always hear dairy (in moderation of course) helps you lose weight. I could be wrong of course.

@PandaRobots: It's in a small boutique-ish clothing store - I don't mind working weekends and the occasional night. It's been kinda difficult to find something part-time that doesn't require you to be available during the day, but it just takes some searching. I desperately need to save money for grad school so I

@graycatonlap: I seem to have that problem too. I always joke that there should be a new perfume about my situation. "Allergies", by Calvin Klein. :-)

@alphaginger: It's nothing to be ashamed of. The way some people react you'd think not driving = liking to kick puppies or something.