
Antonio Banderas is still a sexy beast.

Also WTF is Ricky Martin doing at the Tony Awards?

ScarJo, you're gorgeous and a very classy lady.

@alphaginger: Um, I'm 28 and still don't have my license. I plan to change that this summer.

So I applied for a second job today. I already work 40 hours a week. And I'm taking a night class this summer. Now just to figure out how to add a few more hours in the day.

*shudder* I am so happy that ugly thing is gone. He looked like someone's creepy pervy uncle that your parents tell you to stay away from at family reunions.

@the susan: I've been highlighting my dark blonde/ashy hair since I was about 15, and I haven't gone back to my unhighlighted/drab natural color since (I'm 28 now). You'll love it.

As far as fragrances go, my all-time favorite is Bobbi Brown Beach. However it can be a little heavy, so for something office-appropriate I like Fresh Sugar Lemon. It's light and citrusy, but unlike a lot of citrus fragrances doesn't leave you smelling like a household cleaning product.

I hate AskMen so much. Are there really that many stupid dudebros out there that read this dreck and actually believe it?

I share an apartment with my mom. I love her to pieces, but were it not for my friends and my job, I would have been driven cetifiably batshit crazy by now. She is excellent at giving me my space, but it can be overwhelming at times. However, I'm sure it's the same way with a boyfriend or spouse (and I've never

It makes me so happy so see well-adjusted, funny, SMART kids like these. When I was a teenager, my friends and I were a lot like these girls. And you know what? We're still pretty awesome and smart and we are going to do great thing with our lives, despite what the bitter, angry old folks say.

I just like saying "budgie smugglers" and giggling like a four year old.


Why, Cosmo? Why do you waste paper printing such inane crap?

@CIM: I don't know the dimensions, but judging from the picture I think my Pixi would beg to differ.

@Mademoiselle_Elle: You just described pretty much my exact situation with a friend. You've got to either ask him what's up or call him out on his behavior. It'll totally mess with your head if you let it.

Wow, she actually looks....good. Hopefully this means that damned pouf will go the way of the dodo.

Wow. So I'm guessing that drinking that much pinot noir was a very bad idea.

@Stagtasticfantastic: I kind of loved that movie...but then again, I love revenge flicks in general.

@LionAndUnicorn: I love both you and @alexandrahamilton for making Flight of the Conchords references.