
It truly sends me into a teeth-grinding rage that people in this country think like this. Way to move backwards, people.

@quatrevingtquatre: Hmm...I'm not into bars too much, though Roof (top floor of The Wit hotel) is pretty cool, though sort of upscale-loungey. Weird crowd at times, but worth it for the views of the city. Sweetwater is more of a sports bar-type place...good beer list and a fun hangout. As far as restaurants go...

@cisum88note: Heh, indeed. I do have two more months before I take it, and this is my second time taking this damned test (for my second grad degree...yes, I am insane), so...I'm probably not as concerned about it as I should be.

@quatrevingtquatre: Hi there! Lived in the area for the last 6 years...hopefully I can help! Chicago is awesome - I really believe there's no better place to be a student/twenty- or thirty-something. What specifically do you need to know?

If there's one thing I'm horrible at, it's making a study plan. I SHOULD be studying for the GRE right now. What am I doing instead? Watching Celebrity Apprentice. Yeeeahhhhh.

I feel a seriously crappy mood coming on. Good thing I have half a bottle of wine still left in the fridge.

@SWGM: I've lived here for 6 years, so anything you want to know, just ask! Anything along Michigan Ave. will be safe and really nice for hotels, though I'm not too sure about cost. You could also try the Doubletree hotel on Fairbanks, which is nice and probably a bit cheaper. Definitely check out the Art Institute,

I knew there was a reason I wanted to become a Canadian citizen...

@lucysnowe: I've been there too - my mom sacrificed everything for our family until my parents divorced when I was in my teens. Then it was guilt trip after guilt trip, and I've sacrificed quite a bit just to help my mom function because she didn't know how to be her own person any it's like I'm the

*sigh* Damn it all. My guy friend, who has had possibly the shittiest year possible up to this point, just had another major disappointment and didn't get something he's worked extremely hard for. He has a ton of stress right now and doesn't handle stuff like this well, and I'm legitimately worried about him. I have

@HowCanYouDrinkAllDay...?: As far as neighborhoods go, stay away from the west Loop (the downtown area) and anything on the South Side. Lincoln Park is great, but a little on the pricey side. That said, I think you should still be able to find something reasonable there as property values here have dropped a bit. I

Betty White is my freaking hero.

@RaisedOnWhiskey: Ooh, is it Starborough? I could drink bottles of that stuff, it's so yummy.

I've been on a strange Radiohead kick lately. Currently listening to "15 Step".

Holy crap, there are freaking beavers that are more productive than I am.

I heart Conan so much. Yes, he's filthy rich so it's hard to feel bad for him, but he had a really crappy thing happen. He's been a great example to everyone of how to handle difficulty with grace and NOT self-pity. I know far too many people who will complain loudly and to anyone who will listen about how they've

So....let me get this straight. For the longest time we've been told that we should all be stick-thin, and now curves are making a "comeback"....but models who are considered plus size are still smaller than the "average" woman.

Ugh. So today I walked two miles at a local MS fundraising event, THEN went to the gym and ran almost a mile and half, THEN took my dog to the park.

@Cesybabe or Nirvanah Crane: Hell freaking yes it's worth it to get published! I have three articles with my name on them in science journals and it's worth every minute of the work I put in to see my name in print :-D

After a long period of being deprived of my favorite dessert, I have once again found it, on sale no less: frozen orange creamsicle bars. Omnomnom.