Did your Nanna escape her nursing home in a wheelchair later to be found wheeling her way down a 4-lane highway because she wanted some ice cream? If so, hi there cuz!
Did your Nanna escape her nursing home in a wheelchair later to be found wheeling her way down a 4-lane highway because she wanted some ice cream? If so, hi there cuz!
Sorry for the double post. Damn mobile kinja! *shakes fist at sky*
Do some women want a moving furry toy with little understanding of their inherent responsibilities? Perhaps. But to generalize this seems unfair and infantilizing.
Do some women want a moving furry toy with little understanding of their inherent responsibilities? Perhaps. But to generalize this seems unfair and infantilizing.
"Buffets make money because they appear to be a great deal, but almost no one actually manages to consume as much food as they think they can. "
I need to move back o area that has Thai restaurants. I am stuck in a Rad Na desert.
Irish/German livers are the best. Indeed they are the thoroughbreds of livers. We are practically bred for beer consumption and (I humbly submit) quite possibly the next link in human evolution.
Hah! I almost said Team Psychonaut but I didn't want to risk coming off as pretentious. The greatest failing I see in fellow explorers is that we are so sure of the benefit of our own experiences that we come off as condescending to those who haven't tried that path yet... but it is so tempting to yell from the…
Thank you! I was worrying that most people would read "ayahuasca"and just think "ayawhatsthis?" All of humanity should all be on Team Ayahuasca. (Though I fear caffeine or wine is going to win)
As a resident of NJ who had to suffer through the plague of Jersey Shore jokes a few years back, I feel for ya
Agreed on the order of priorities. (Or coordinate a bit and have the person next to you film while you call 911, or vice versa. Common sense people!)
But as to what to do with the video afterwards? uploading to youtube or facebook may be helpful in some cases in order to garner the attention needed to investigate or…
My elderly parents, who are barely scraping by, are blessed to have found the services of a dentist and a GP doctor who have similarly kind hearts as your father. People like your father and the kind men who treat my parents are the kind of people who give me hope. Please give your father a high five from an internet…
Damn. I really fucked up. I have a high school diploma, BA, BS, and MA. Why did my guidance counselor not tell me to go get a damn GED?!?
On the other hand, having video evidence of this behavior may prove helpful. If you call its just a he said, she said thing, no? Squeaky wheel gets the oil, and in this day and age (2014, Year of our LordYouTube) there are few squeakier wheels better at getting attention than a viral video.
I'm not saying that…
"The elastic at the bottom of the shorts must be tight enough to keep the shorts from riding up"
This is actually really helpful. When the laundry overfloweth and I am desperate enough to steal my husband's boxer briefs as pjs those leg bands bother the shit out of me. When I tried to ask my husband what was the…
I was four years old when we got our Great Dane pup (Marmalady). I don't remember much about the breeders, except they were a sweet old couple with a mated pair, rather like your parents. Sadly, our dog was stolen four years later (along with several other purebred dogs in town) and never recovered. She was probably…
Grandma on acid might actually pick something better. Those sweaters looked like Grandma is in need of a dose in order to expand her horizons, let go, stop living in her fugly past...
As an MA who also holds a BS let me translate:
Liberal arts major says: "Ee... perhaps human experience is a valuable area of study?"
Science major hears: "Was someone talking? Nevermind... You are only booked for an hour of lab time and we have work to do that could not possibly be completed without this equipment"
They are taking fashion tips from New Zealand. When in doubt, go "All Black"