
Oh heavens. That is a peach of an article. Especially this part: Sage Kotsenburg, the shaggy, stubbly American rider who took gold in Saturday’s slopestyle competition, exemplifies snowboarding’s “whatevs” ethos: He bragged that he “winged” the trick that won him the gold, and admitted that, the night before the

My greatest accomplishment (as a four year old) was to bring down no less than three fully grown adults who were trying to "catch" me when I was about to fall on my first ice skating venture. I stayed standing. They did not. Still not sure how the physics worker out on that one.

Your deranged Argonian and my naked Dunmer thief (who stole every knife and fork in Morrowind just for kicks) would get along swimmingly.

You sly bastard
*hat tip... and starts cooking some ramen noodles*

Swiss Family Robinson is my house crush since I was a wee thing. Yurts in trees seem to be the way to go:

What are we supposed to be seeing here?

Are you joking or is their actually a difference? (Powdery vs icy?)
I ask as a person who never made it down the bunny slope with her skis in one piece.

* facepalm *

Problem is that using queer as an "and others" category is that it throws together people with vastly different identities, gender expressions, romantic and sexual orientations, and experiences of the world. It risks make some, the LGBT, visible (particularly the L & G) and eliding the many varieties of people that

Its a Ministry of Magic plot. Lock a bunch of horny teenagers together in a castle and they are less likely to breed with fine Muggles.

If you have a few hours, go read "A Politician's Wife"

Better written than most published novels. If you need to, pretend it isn't HP fanfic and instead is just a clever novel on how marriages and lives can fall apart in middle age. It picks up 23 years after the fall of You-Know-Who, and is more believable than

Actually engagement pictures are one of the few things that aren't an add-on these days. Most photographers put them in even the most baseline wedding packages... because they help the photographer establish a rapport with the couple and expands their professional portfolio. (I say this as a recently married person

To me the stop/starting is a feature not a bug.

First time I watched a clip of this song. Bonus nerd points for working "fractal" into the lyrics.

Maybe agnostic instead of atheist? It means "no knowledge" and takes the position that it is impossible to be certain about the existence or nature of the divine. It might exists. It might not. No one can claim to be certain, but the possibilities are endless.

I am a skeptical person, but the dash of wonder I feel when

See also: money. Russia isn't an economic powerhouse. China is. QED

On the “Pirate and Princess” themes - ugh! I used to work at a paint-your-own-pottery studio that used to run “Pirate and Princess” theme night events. Parents loved them cause they were cheap - one smaller-than-usual fee and little Aiden got a pirate ship and little Ava got a tiara shaped treasure box to paint.


Oh heavens, yes. Gravy is to thanksgiving what sour cream and onion dip is to chips: the only reason to eat it. Graaaavy. GRAAAAAVVVYYYY!

Historical accuracy and family gatherings are rarely a good mix. I try to assuage my turkey-overdose-guilt by making sure I share these tidbits as much as possible: