
At first I thought watching a game backward didn’t make a lot of sense. Then I realized it’s just another perspective. And from that perspective every game ends in a tie. And then I thought, why not draft another power forward?

Trump can’t grow a beard

Guy hitting .205 in High-A ball is worried about the wrong Mendoza.

I am hoping to be wrong, but are terrorists running his twitter?

God, it’s like if Trump knew enough about cyber to write a blog.

Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.

Well, they both spend a lot of time talking about walls.

He never wears a shirt. Never wears shoes. How has he not died from lack of service?

3 AM? I must be lonely.

they also both potentially employ a rushin’ leader

As an Eagles fan who probably won’t see a Super Bowl in this lifetime, watching Cowboys fans suffer in due to an inevitable collapse is my heroin. May GM Jerry Jones live forever.

If that kid can’t make it a few hours without a beer I think he has a real problem.

I spent the last few weeks thinking of a tree that we used to have in the backyard of our old house. All those hours I spent under that tree looking up as the sunlight dripped like honey through the leaves. When the thin cold wire of time wasn’t pressing pushing tight against my neck. There was time back then. There’s

Well looks like I have a new favorite Plummer in the NFL (Sorry, Tomsula).

To make matters worse, his feet were moving.

Pay attention men: Women do not like it when you send your donger to their cell phone. They end up blocking it every time.

No wait, I was wrong! This is the worst tweet of all time:

I’m going with Abbott. Mainly because I clicked both tweets and went as far down the rabbit hole as I dared, and on Abbott’s feed I saw this:

Satisfying the rabbit hole is also a great euphemism for jilling it.

The NBA should consider regularly hosting All-Star weekend in areas that don’t have pro basketball. Places like Vegas, Omaha, Philadelphia, etc.