
Honestly, I judge anyone who walks their dog anywhere off of their property and doesn’t pick up the poop. If my dog shits in my yard, I can choose to live with it or not. If my dog shits in your yard, and I leave it, that’s just plain fucked up.

Exceptions are if it’s thick underbrush or on the outside of a fence. But

I’ve done a fair amount of touring, so I’ve seen (and done) some shit. But:

The Wire. Angel. Parks & Rec. Six Feet Under. 

38/41 and I have NO IDEA how I got there...

I genuinely don’t understand the appeal of this band. Didn’t get it then, don’t get it now. Melodically boring and thematically empty. It’s nothing. It’s unflavored ice milk. It’s so devoid of substance that I recently likened it to walking into a fart cloud in a lobby: vaguely unpleasant but will be gone the next

This 5'9" obsession is...fascinating. I’m 5'9", and I certainly don’t think THAT has had women flocking to me. In fairness, NOTHING has had women flocking to me, but I’m pretty sure my height isn’t really part of the issue...?

Reportedly, when all was said and done, the fascists were, repeatedly, refused rides by Ubers and cabs. As a now-former Philadelphian, this pleases me to no end. #GrittyForever 

Is no one going to comment on the mixed metaphor here? If there’s a catcher’s mask involved, why is he wearing golf spikes? Is he going to spank him with a badminton racket next? 

Wait... I thought the point was that it felt like someone else’s HAND, not someone else’s BAT...?

Are you Black Thought? Because if so, then please proceed! And if not, maybe...sit this one out?

Name a better band than this one. I’ll wait.

Also let’s not forget that even as his days were numbered, he opted not to resign the Senate at a time that would have allowed a special election to fill his seat, denying the voters the chance to have any say whatsoever in his replacement. The odds are that if he had resigned and endorsed, say, his wife, or frankly

NOT voting for whoever the Democrats nominate (in the general) is how we got Bush II and Trump. If all the progressives SHOWED UP FOR PRIMARIES AND MID-TERMS, the Overton Window would move left in a hurry.

“I mean no disrespect, but are you or your sibling over 40? I can’t imagine anyone 40 and younger desiring to listen to Jimmy Buffett.”


This is maybe a bad take on my part, but: I don’t necessarily see infidelity and feminism as incompatible. Cheating on one’s spouse sucks (though, again, we also don’t know the full story of their relationship: maybe SHE privately sucks), but I don’t think that it necessarily means that someone isn’t ALSO capable of

If that dude is 6'4" and 240... then Donald Trump REALLY has some questions to answer.

Heard. All I ever hear when I listen to my own work is all the ways that it doesn’t accomplish what I wanted it to, all the things I could have done better, all the ways in which the lyrics don’t actually express what I wanted to express. Once that shit is mastered, I hope to never hear it again...

Tennessee. Titans. Right now, I could list for you every team by division, except I’d get stuck on the AFC South, and I’d never remember the Tennessee Titans EVEN THOUGH I JUST TYPED THEIR NAME TWICE.

Summer after freshman year of college: Wegmans brand Mountain Dew (which, obvi: Mountain Woo), Tang, Southern Comfort. Of course we called it the “Woo-Tang Clan”. It was, in fact, nothing to fuck with. Lasted for maybe a week before we all died. And remain dead to this day.