
Also, The Beatles - “Please Please Me”: John blows the third verse and laughs his way through the “come on come on” section that follows.
Ben Folds Five - “Steven’s Last Night In Town”: sort of applicable, as it builds to the last big chorus, a phone rings and someone (Darren Jesse, I think) laughs out loud.

Moyer at 45 was the 2nd or 3rd starter on the WS-winning Phillies (sorry, I almost NEVER get to say that) despite having a fastball that MAYYYYYBE hit 75MPH if he was feeling particularly sparky. I used to refer to the disgusted facial expressions that hitters made as they struck out (usually by swinging a full minute

You only got a single payer on your GoFundMe? Damn.

This is a good, thoughtful piece. Thank you for sharing.

As a long-time semi-professional musician who feels that there are hundreds of things wrong with the music world that need fixing or at least re-examining, I really wanted to engage with this as an interesting perspective, but: no. This is a bad take and you should feel bad about it.

I mean, I think they’d want someone to throw at least like 50mph...

I don’t see a viable difference between the Dez play and the James play. I DO see a fundamental difference between the Ertz play and either of the other ones. Ertz had clear control of the ball AND his body, took two full steps and THEN CHOSE to dive towards the endzone with his third. Neither Dez nor James at any

The Good Place, or as it should be known: The Best Show On Television [at the moment].

Did Subway ever pay Grandaddy for that jingle? It’s SO a b-side from Sumday...

Well, if you’re gonna get all international on us...

*ahem* every TWO years.

I’m a reasonably well-informed human being who reads multiple news sites daily. Here’s an exhaustive list of people I’ve heard refer to MS-13:
Donald Trump
News reporting on Donald Trump

Seems like $130k will do it. For a year or so, anyway...

“Exists” is... a way to describe the Green Party, I guess. They don’t field candidates in 99% of races, and their highest profile member is a complete loony. There is no infrastructure, no organization, no particular ethos. Basically there’s like a few dozen hippies nationwide claiming to have a Party.

It’s a shame,

This year is the first year (ever) that my wife hasn’t spent Christmas with her family (because all of mine is coming to our house, and both my sisters and I haven’t been in the same room in like four years, and not for a holiday in like eight). I’m still not 100% sure she’s not going to divorce me in January over it.

Said this on FB this morning:

Goose eggs are really easy to get in golf: don’t play golf. I have a lifetime 0, and I look forward to maintaining my score.

No, for real. My friend and his wife were out in their back yard and a goddam monkey was in their bushes.

If you HAD to send a dick pic somewhere (and, let’s be completely clear here: YOU DON’T), you can always send it to so we can all make fun of it together. NSFW, obvi.

RE: Museums: Penn Museum is amazing and no one knows it’s there. The Mutter museum is amazing. The Constitution Center is only worthwhile if there’s a travelling exhibit of any note, and the Liberty Bell is literally just a bell. Seen a picture? That’s what you’re getting, but you’ll wait in line half an hour to do