
Donald Trump: They’re bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists.

Baseball needs to film from this angle more often.

...cream cheese, proper hugging technique, beer cans, Kobe.

I think this rant actually qualifies as three delegates for Donald Trump.

Goddamn it. I can’t very well listen to a podcast while I’m pooping at work, now can I?

I think “wax nostalgic” is what Bud uses to make those handies so popular.

No love for Peyton? He made a great throw last Thursday that should be arriving any minute now.

There isn't a better beard around the Seahawks than Ragnar's. Well, except for Ciara.

Occam’s Razer (sic) suggests that the Raiders don’t want to acknowledge a Super Bowl that will be played down the road in Santa Clara

This is dumb and annoying. I don’t have a hate-boner for Jonathan Franzen and am not writing as a tribal representative of Gawker Media, but as an individual person reading a book. I have enjoyed some things Franzen has written and not liked others as much, and began Purity actively hoping to like it (because that’s a

Hey, whatever did happen to those “Stand By The President!” people?

They call them scalpers to honor them.

Sometimes you have to read between the pinstripes to get the real meaning.

But there was something different about Paul O’Neill. I can’t quite put my finger on it but he Worked hard, played Hard, was really Invested in the Team, and was Everything else you want in a teammate.

Unlike Burrell, who we all pretended hadn’t banged most of our wives for nearly a decade.

We’ll miss you, Chase. You’ve been the only Philly athlete over a decade that most of us would permit our wives to bang pissers with.

I asked my fiance this and she responded

I want to be the first to say that I appreciate the fit of your tank top, the slight crook of your backwards cap and how awesome it must be to be able to transport so many things in your cargo shorts.

MLB: Now 5% Faster! You’re Welcome, Millennials!!

But it is curious how many more total votes appear to be being cast in the AL.