
By these requirements, I'm a free agent NFL QB, yet no one covers it when I run into Starbucks with my pants off. Fuck this double standard.

"But it went way too far, and it wasn't very clear that it was a joke, that it was fabricated. If you read it, you might think that it was actually Tiger talking. The whole thing is completely ridiculous."

I don't understand all this talk about throwing people under the bus. If you've ever seen RG3 play, you know he'd bounce them about 10 feet in front of the bus.

I did once see a workhorse evolved into a jackass.

I'm with you. I think all major milestones in a man or woman's life should be shared and celebrated with the ones they love, especially parents.

You don't want to apply the fire direct to Burneko. You have to use indirect heat after velveting him for maximum succulence.

Fortunately, Cutler is immune to criticism. Unlike his kids, who aren't immune to a goddamn thing.

Shooter Flatch: [Looks in stands, doesn't see wife in seat, figures she went to the concession, sighs in relief, begins working on story about why he missed]

No, chris-sjbmx has a point. I understand you might be coming from the right place, but it's beyond 'agency'.

Bisexuality IS a thing that exists... which proves that some people can choose which gender to pursue relationships with.

"The Phillies Way" by Ruin Tomorrow or "How I Stopped Worrying About the Salary Cap, the Farm System, My Reputation, the Fans, Common Sense, Competitiveness and Learned to Love Seeing My Name in Print."

Six tries, and not once in the box? Where I'm from, that's called a guy's first time.

Can we just go back to singing Take Me Out to the Ballgame?

this is some good-ass kinja

If they are not 0-5 after that game, I will throw my car keys into a river.

When reached for comment, Jesus said that Rhimes's claims were "100 per cent transubstantiated."

A quick bump from the tip of the wood and then he collapses and is completely forgiven for his previous shortcomings? I've been married to A.J. Pierzynski for the last 11 years and had no idea.

It's a damn good thing the superintendent has a way of shutting that whole thing down in cases of legitimate sexual assault.

It's not surprising that Rosenthal prefers a small market. That way he doesn't have to stand on his tippy-toes to reach items on the top shelf.

I wish they'd had some time to put in some packages using both Cassel and Bridgewater. Although they probably wouldn't have worked very well with Ryan Moats now out of the league.