
I'm glad Hester pulled off a rushing TD, and I'm curious if he can do the same against an NFL team later this season.

Then this ebony bird beguiling my sad fancy into smiling,

I hate that pesky auto-gammons.

Oh man, this makes the GIF so much funnier.

I think he was just scared that finger gun was real

Maybe you should stop dating beverages.

LeBron: I'm a free agent! Someone pay me as much money as you think I'm worth to play basketball. I figure it's around $50 million.

I never thought my life would come to the point where I am clicking a link for a backstory on a guy throwing a raccoon...but here we are...

Cover charges are only acceptable for live music. If you're charging a cover and there's no live entertainment your bar is a pretentious shithole and I'm going somewhere else.

If a bar charges cover and doesn't have a band playing, I'm going to another bar. Fuck covers that aren't the door for the band.

The Jaguars' request was denied, as HBO did not want to risk having their program blacked out.

The Jaguars' request was denied, as Hard Knocks is for NFL teams only.

The Jaguars are begging for show rights, as this would be their best opportunity to appear on TV in years.

Cotton-Eye-Joe sucks, but Yankee fans are what make attending Yankee games a living hell.

Let's be honest, 70% of Congress could fold tomorrow + nobody would notice a difference w/ possible exception of increase in passed legislation.

[redacted] is a fucking moron and will run the pool into the ground along with the rest of his asshole cronies.

Usually, the only time you see the Millionaires and the Senators get together is at Republican Congressional Committee fundraisers.

Luckily, her lawyer is also her Funkdafiduciary, so this should end up alright.

I remember a similar story about Tim Tebow. Someone at a Denver game a few years back slipped and fell in the stairwell and looked like they hurt their ankle, so Tim ran to one of the concession stands and tossed him a bag of ice which went way over the guy's head. The 2nd bag of ice landed 5 feet in front of the guy.