
David Wright: [Views gif on iPad.]

Buck's gonna regret showing this kind of affection when Harvey milks it.

Is Sochi really the place for a shout out to puttin' it in the caboose?

Look At This Fucking Stripster

This vehicle has shown up to every Eagle's game since '78. Which is honestly way more than you can say for the Eagle's players themselves.

In Alabama, if you only misspell one word out of nine, you'll probably be chosen to give the speech at graduation.

Disgusting! Warning next time please:

Phil Roth is undoubtedly grateful for the page hits. What Phil Roth is probably not grateful for are the words "Phil Roth's wonderful little tool."

Fans: [throw D batteries]

"It was a pretty good array of magazines. It actually had a variety, too. It was almost like a newsstand, put it that way...It was the precursor to the internet. You just picked up one, and there was a little sign that said when you’re done with the book, put it back."

"They won't beat us unless we beat ourselves"

A place where you can watch all the Eagles games and share comments with like-minded people. What's not to like?

One one side, a tear. On the other, a tear.

Wounded Knee.

Race Off

I guess now he's a maizeball brother.

Puig should really appreciate the opportunity. Most Cuban defectors would of LOVED to have gotten in on a sub.

he could just use the same top, if he sticks with tide.

Maybe Smith just wanted to see who he really was under there.