my mom chewed our food for us and spit it into our mouths as well. we couldn't grind the food well at that point in our lives so she did it for us because it was just the simplest option
my mom chewed our food for us and spit it into our mouths as well. we couldn't grind the food well at that point in our lives so she did it for us because it was just the simplest option
I just wrote a blog post that touched on this. In fact, meat eaters are encouraged to take B12 supplements as well. Meat eaters assume that because they eat the normative diet they are getting all of their nutrients. Hell to the no.
Um, you might want to engage the actually premises I've put forward. Let me spell out my point explicitly because clearly you missed it. Someone pondered why it is that non-vegetarians/ vegans were getting so offended that some of us were speaking on behalf of the animal rights position. I formed a parallel that drew…
As I mentioned in a comment above, conflations abound. Eating a being upon its death is quite different from killing a being for the purpose of eating it. If meat eaters were sourcing their flesh from companions that had just passed away, I don't think there would be much of a rights issue to discuss. Another…
I think you fail to realize that what you keep referring to as "eating habits" might be understood by others as "violations of basic rights of living beings" and when understood as the latter, it no longer remains in the domain of "individual" choices but instead falls under a social justice heading. So, for people…
These types of dilemma questions are generally not very productive. This one, in particular, can generate basically zero interesting conversation. For example, if I'm posed the hypothetical dilemma of saving either my husband or some stranger in a burning building (and I can save only one), my choosing my husband…
Ah, brilliant! I'll have to borrow that phrase.
Holy sh*tsnacks,. .. you were moved by reason?!
oh! and, just incase you are looking for some veggie-feminists, I write for a blog called Vegan Feminist Network:…
I have a walk-in, so I can fit a couple of us in here!
vegetarian. .. vegan. .. we're all sisters!
Her/his point wasn't one of establishing similarities between a person and a calf. I believe the point was the justifications deployed here with respect to eating animals/ treating them like consumption items (eating meat is a matter of "personal choice", killing animals is not immoral because they don't suffer/…
They are offended for the same reason that dudebros get offended when you call their pasttimes 'rape', for the same reason that unenlightened white folks get offended when you bring up systemic racism and 'whiteness', for the same reason that [fill in the blank] get offended when you call out their [obviously…
Vegan here. I also tend to stay "in the closet", so to speak. Because the minute anyone finds out, horrific fallacious reasoning tends to ensue from all of the non-veggie people, which is happening precisely in this thread. Appeals to nature, conflating personal moralities with social justice issues, ignoring the fact…
are you fucking serious???? our public schools are failing us.
Bahahahahahahahahaha. Love it.
This is totally true. My close friend is a white male professor of philosophy. He shoplifts stuff for needy people (he just stole a shitload of tampons to donate to a women's shelter, for example) precisely because he knows his privilege ensures his crimes stay invisible. He's been doing this for years and no one has…
My marriage is the same! My husband affectionately refers to me as a "passionate, drunk, brassy dame." One Tom Collins a day *minimum*. Who says marriage has to be boring?
random clueless guy on the street: "HIDEOUS!"