
As a black woman who has done her fair share of “heroic” doses of shrooms, I can say with certainty that precisely the *opposite* thing happened: I felt really connected to my fellow beings on Earth and, as a result, became even MORE concerned about racism, sexism, speciesism, etc. Methinks his white sexist bro,

Yes. Thank you for this. People should be able to divorce (without criticism) for any damn reason they please.

Why can't guys get worked up about censorship when male frontal nudity is censored? I find that the (totally right) anti-censorship argument always surrounds women and their bodies but, honestly, when it comes to men and their bodies it's "understood" that we can't just expose those.

YUP. me too.

Yep yep yep yep yep. I don't see why *male* birth control isn't a major feminist demand right now.

Leto WISHES he could look as good as Crane!

Yes! Folks seem to forget that patriarchy is a *white* male supremacist system.

PETA sucks. Obviously. Having said that, can we please stop the utterly ridiculous comments that maintain how much more you want to eat animals now just to spite PETA? Slutwalk -to me- is activism fail but I'm not going to joke about going out to rape people just to spite the Slutwalk organizers. Rape is a real

And I'm thinking of it as Critical Thinking 101

I'm glad you like the blog! And I'm glad it generated a good conversation for you and your partner! That's so exciting to hear. We also accept guest bloggers (and regular contributors as well) so if you ever want to submit something, please do. I was thinking about writing up a post that covers this very thread since

Well, this should be a goldmine for white guys with Asian-woman-fetish. Oh wait, these women aren't 'submissive'. Damn!

. .. I'm not sure which question your response was meant to answer. .. .

I think he lives half of the time in California and not just England.

1) As far as I know, there isn't a moral hierarchy that exists in nature.

Just wanted to point out that when plants produce distress signals, they aren't accompanied by nociceptors (which are NECESSARY for pain). Kinda need a central nervous system for that. So comparing the "harm" done to a cow with a plant (given the cow is sentient and the plant isn't) is like comparing putting a human

feminists, stop forcing your beliefs on us!

Are you one of those people who pose irrelevant "Gotcha!" queries because you cannot properly engage the premises of an argument?

Uhhh, that's irrelevant. 2+2 is 4 even if a racist says it.

Yeah, totally. It's like those stupid preachy feminists always trying to ruin a bro's good time. I mean, instead of constantly shoving their crap down our throats and trying to change our laws- you know, the annoying Angela Davis, bell hooks and Gloria Steinem types , they should just have, like, a feminist character

There is no point. Who cares if we have incisors because at one point in our evolutionary history we ate mostly meat? It's like appealing to the dominant physique in men in comparison to women and using this as some sort of justification for sexual assault. "I mean, like, men evolved to be bigger than women and are