
I watched my father kick the shit out of my mother throughout their marriage. He was also extremely controlling and possessive and made her life (and ours) a living hell. When they divorced we were all relieved. Around that time, my sister and I started to study and talk about feminist theory a lot. My father was a

I cut it as low as possible (like some parts of my scalp were showing) (yes, it was hella uneven). I wanted to buzz cut it but didn't have clippers.

wow, I am in the *exact* opposite situation. (However, I am not white; I'm mixed-race so, as someone said below, this might be a white-woman thing.) I used to have hair that was to my waist (big, glorious curly hair) and chopped that time-hole off at the start of this summer. All of my female friends: "HOW COULD YOU

reminds me of the normal's (awesome song): "warm leatherette"- also about getting turned on from a car crash

Yes. This. Thank you. I have never had to tell my husband to clean up after himself or clean the house or [insert other regular human activities] because he's not a lazy ass slob. My brother also cleans up after himself, does his laundry, folds shit, etc and HE IS DISABLED.

Completely agree with everything you said here. Birth control also wreaks havoc on my body (same thing happens when my three sisters tried birth control) and I HATE HATE HATE the feel of condoms so my husband and I do the pull-out method. We've been doing that for eleven years and it rules. Neither of us *ever* want

I'm a black, female philosophy PhD student (a.k.a. a unicorn in my field). Philosophers can do pretty much anything . .. we are basically experts in thinking critically. For the most part, we make what's implicit *explicit* so that assumptions made in constructing theories, worldviews, terms or arguments are made

Also a philosophy lady here (currently doing the PhD) and I agree with everything you've said here. Philosophers tend to see themselves as "rational disembodied minds" who are capable of standing outside of everything, including culture itself. You end up with a bunch of people who are "great thinkers" in terms of

Krysten Ritter (sp?) was just in one of their campaign ads. ..

Also, I know we're talking about environmental impact here. . . but veganism also one-ups meat eating/ vegetarianism because of the whole animal torture/holocaust thing. That's the sole reason I went vegan. It drives me up the wall to hear a whole conversation about veganism vs. meat-eating where animals are

Other Jez vegans? Yaaaaaaaaaaaay! Vegan high-five from me as well!

I like to think about it in terms of a consumption narrative. (The consumption narrative is the story we inherit from our culture that tells us what is/ isn't food.) Vegans don't consider "farm animals" to be part of the consumption narrative so the bodies of those animals and anything from their bodies aren't

BOO-FUCKING-HOO. Welcome to the human condition.

Not gonna lie. .. I actually kinda liked it (and I say this as a self-described pretentious film buff). It's going to be the latest show that I watch obsessively behind closed doors but deny knowing anything about in public.

I don't even know. Maybe both. There was no strategy in place. Just pure and utter desperation.

Pretended to be Jewish b/c he only dated Jewish girls. Oy.

First, the Gosnesll abortion debacle is merely evidence that we need to make abortion services more readily available so that women don’t feel the need to resort to quack doctors.


Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.