oh gosh, i envy you. . .. I cannot choose which song is the best from the entire Pornography album. .. all of them are *sooo* good
oh gosh, i envy you. . .. I cannot choose which song is the best from the entire Pornography album. .. all of them are *sooo* good
Long time vegan here. Also a poor grad student. I don't know who these people are who think being vegan is expensive or time- consuming. The same people who were once fine with a shitty cheeseburger from Burger King try veganism and all of a sudden think their dinners must now consist of hella expensive exotic herbs…
There are activists who write against 'couplemania' . They claim that the norm that we MUST be coupled actually hurts us. They try to fight stigmas and provide support for singles. You might want to check out: http://www.rabe.org/ and any work by Bella DePaulo.
Sure, some men and some women have low sex drives but I don't think you can generalize anything about men and women from that. Chances are your gf masturbates as often (if not more) than you. She might not tell you this. . . I don't see why she would have to report to you every time she uses her dildo or fingers…
Appealing to the "but THEY thought it was funny!" pseudo-argument only proves that "they" are also sexist, not that you are making a good joke or performing high art. Racist people will think racist jokes are 'hilarious'. Antisemitic people will think antisemitic jokes are funny and 'so true!' Sexist people will think…
this is why dating within only your race sucks (well, it's one of many reasons). . . if people were open to dating different races, they would get to caress their lover's hair and eventually know how everyone's hair feels and get over it