
If you ever drive in England you’ll find it’s just the same but without the smooth asphalt and sense of lane discipline. *This* is why Brits famously “think 200 miles is a long way”. Because it can take half a day!

I kept picturing this guy shooting the video:

Where are they coming up with these numbers for maintenance costs? As in where did the 70k come from for the Lincoln? The old Town cars used the Panther platform, which had been around forever and ever and by that point was more or less bulletproof. I’ve been in a number of Crown Vic cabs that had well over 500k on


Right there with ya. I have 2 1994 vehicles. On of them is my zero-fucks-given vehicle and it sure ain’t the Roadie.

Did you ever saw playmate without photoshop? Can be dangerous for dick. CarZ and GirlZ need tuning&photoshop. Vodka - NEVER. As Vodka = photoshop

And if Britain and the US took these refugees today, 10x would follow tomorrow, and after those 10x, 10x more will follow the day after that.

Most in The Jungle want to get to British soil, where they hope to find jobs and start a new life.

That looks familiar. I think you can drive it in Need For Speed II?

The person who wanted this is me.

I may be the minority, but I think the Jaguar sister is much better looking:

All I see are two equivalent assholes and one winning.

Not to give the truck driver any credit but the Nissan driver wasn’t passing anyone and looked to just be blocking him in the passing lane, intentionaly. There seems to be enough blame to go around with this one.

They don’t seem to be doing very much passing. Most all road rage is two people being assholes, and one winning. The loser plays the victim.

My parents still have a 93 SHO 5 speed that they bought new.

Trump will make the germans come to detroit for mustangs and he will make them pay for it and it willl be yuuge, it will be the best.