
Either way, he is not the one who called for a recast, it was the network.

She said, to the person spouting evo-psych. Also, I wanted to see his response to that. Buzzkill.

You didn't read a bit of my comment.

Dude, come on. Some of us read the rest of internet. I have already reached my daily saturation point for men's never-ending ability to conjure images of male masturbation as a way to express their enthusiasm for something. Hence me being on Jezebel.

LOL. +1

This is the answer to a question I never would ask.

Three women: Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight. And Amanda Berry's child who is around five or six and likely hasn't been socialized normally, so...

"What he has done to my life and my family's"..."because we were accused of being involved with something so horrific that was done to four victims."

Hm? The claims were made after the rescue. Sure, it was said about stuff that supposedly occurred earlier, but the claims were made about it after the rescue. And with no record of the calls they seemed false all along, frankly. It's not a moral thing, just that stuff like that gets said in communities all the

The strangest thing for me is that I know people in real life who are freaks for anything Disney. That's not so hard to understand, I live somewhat close to one of the parks so it actually is a world you can escape into. But the Disney Princess thing is a completely different animal and to view that obsession

No, this is more akin to women trying to live up to Martha Stewart. You could probably go back 30 years and find a Today Show segment referencing those feelings of inadequacy in the exact same way.

Agreed. It's one thing to craft in order to relieve stress, it's another to think everything you make will delight the masses. I feel like knowing the difference is something every woman should learn before they are out of high school.

A cut and paste from an online dictionary. How predictable. But anyway, you weren't trying to analyze my sentence for grammar or implications, you were trying to understand it because you thought I was wrong. That's not parsing.

Pretty sure she's drunkenly mocking the whole pube-groom debate. Which, if you've ever seen on a gossip site or even on Jezebel in the days of yore, contains those exact descriptions. Over and over and over. For like, the past decade it's been like that.

Mkay. I'll take your word for it. You are right that the celeb culture is a little different though. So let's find a woman who...I dunno, ran for president. And isn't a size 2. And that you've already said you revere. Now go elsewhere on the internet and read comments about her from last October. Make a check

Well do you have reverence for those women?

Virgin, Whore, Mother. A lame method of categorizing women by people who don't see them as fully realized individuals capable of a myriad of qualities, character, etc. The media uses it a lot.

Surprised no one has mentioned this but the only thing that ever worked for me was drinking lots of water. Maybe not even lots, I'm not a water-drinker normally but when I decide to consistently force myself to go above and beyond my normal intake, boom, problem becomes way less noticeable.