
I don't know why but I am always amazed at celebs who start fights on twitter. Ok, they're real people but pissing off a fan does have some consequences in their line of work.

Yikes! Well that's a nope for me then. Thanks.

Oh. That's good to know, thanks. *crosses it off the list*

Ah, got it, thanks. I could handle that I think, roll my eyes but handle it. As an adoptee my dealbreaker is when tv shows act like nature beats nurture as if it were set in stone. There are issues for sure, but especially in the fantasy genre I get ragey at "inherited sins of the real mother/father" storylines and

Wait, what's up with the adoption storyline? I was actually going to try this show out, like tonight. But if they're insulting about an adoption storyline I don't want to bother.

Lindy mentioned this is one of her Dirt Bag's a day or two ago.

Yes. It sounds practically medieval. I respect our military but this kind of thing needs to be illuminated. Sharing your story may also help you.

Violet. Problem solved.

Cool, cool. I guess this is where the differences in ages comes in though: I find the Pornstars Without Makeup thing spectacularly navel-gazey, but I was shocked by the responses on reddit as it was clearly the first time many actually thought of a pornstar as a real woman. The really disturbing reactions were the

I think the criticism (here) is more directed at the practice. It doesn't have anything to do with the usual body issues surrounding weight, it's just a another way of objectifying women, as if we're race horses or something. (eta: slabs of meat, as the articles author mentioned.)

Do you lie in wait for an opportunity to post about the trials and tribulations about your conventionally attractive sized body? Because I can see absolutely no other reason for your comment. You completely missed the point, you're not willing to see the point, you say you understand other people getting the point

Well, you didn't say "fuck" once, so it's not a full Detective Rex Hardbody comment either. Also, you could provide some devilish insight to the haters, as your profanity-laced intelligent comments have a devastating effect on your target.

I fear the author missed a rite of passage into adulthood, frankly. I absolutely do not want to visit her blog to find out however.

I am totes with you on this. We're twinsies!

She's 24, lives at home, and her parents have veto power over roles. I think her father was arrested for violence in an airport a few years ago. Oh yeah, there's an E True Hollywood Story in her future. (Do they still make those?)

Oh ok, I thought you were coming from an entirely different direction. Oops.

I'm familiar with Christie but somehow missed the fleece thing. Weird.

Hah, it's only Florida because of all the retirees from Jersey! That's my story and I'm sticking to it. (But ok, a bronzed hoagie maybe, sure.)

Asked and answered by the bit from LaToya Peterson.

A fleece, what? Don't they have those all over Scotland? Why not something Jersey-ish, like a pink flamingo lawn ornament? Geez, no taste.