
Fury Road’s visuals were fantastic. Stunts and effects were superb. No doubt about it. But the plot, pacing, acting, (lack of)character development and cliched tropes rendered it far from in this category. Note your only reference is to its visuals. That’s no accident. You probably didn’t even realize it but that’s my

Inside Llewyn Davis? Lost in Translation? What? Are they out of their minds? ILD is not even in the top 5 best Coen movies. It’s not even that good, really.

And what are the chances that the Joker costume will be pulled because of the complaints? Almost nil. Because costume with white bodysuits are numerous. But that one costume that for a change fit a darker-skinned kid better than a white one? Oh no, we couldn’t have that, what if a white kid decided to wear it? Can you

The only run of Power Man & Iron Fist that I was even interested in was the Jim Owsley/Christopher Priest one. Shame how it ended in such bitterness and unfinished storylines that not even Priest remembers how he’d planned on tying up.

I mean, lesbians are popular, and the Overwatch ladies are hot. I kind of thought that was all the internet needed in order to do its thing.

They’re in the denial stage of their grieving process.

So they shut down Gawker but Gizmodo will just be publishing Gawker-type content now? Gawkmodo?

I can’t wait for the Hyundai to start being dominant in the sport, and VW Group doing what it always does (except in DTM): when real competition in a series it leaves. It goes off to find another ‘empty’ series to start ‘dominating’ (after securing rules that suit them perfectly, in exchange for bringing new

They should also paint it red.

Does the directors cut add humor? That was the one major thing this comedy was lacking.

How does it feel to pretend to like yet another garbage reboot souless studio cash grab for the lone reason that you fell for a corporate manufactured sexism/racism crisis?

“Dr Sam Beckett

Somebody better ban that Hulk costume before it inspires greenface.

Well we can still get mad about the Hulk one. That depicts a skin tone that isn’t white.

Scrubs, Season 3, “My Screw Up”. Saddest twist ending in the history of television.

You’re saying this like there’s something wrong with suicide doors. I don’t get it.

They could easily do a live-action version. Just film the bloody stage show. It’s absolutely brilliant. Easily the best looking stage musical. It would look amazing on the big screen.

self-driving cars are like the metric system in the 70s. we keep getting it shoved down our throats and keep getting told how awesome it is, but absolutely no one is interested in adopting it. besides the people trying to sell them, who the hell wants self-driving cars?

I’d say take a good look at a Subaru WRX - STi version if you have the budget. Bonus if you find a hatchback version (none available in 2016 models) - always been a big fan of the look. These cars are fun to drive, affordable to own and will last a long, long time. There are other good recommendations, but BMW’s

Actually, it should be ranked at #18, with #17 being “Songs about being hit by my truck”